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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. About the same here. The remaining glacier is extremely dense.
  2. Last year I downloaded the weatherstar 4000 emulator from this site. http://www.taiganet.com/forum/index.php/topic,4135.0.html Once you download and figure out how to set it up, you can customize it to your liking. There's also a forum with lots of answers to questions you may have from others who have set it up on their pcs. I have it set up to run in the same arrangement that TWC had back in the day, with the cities in the current weather in the same order that it was for example. You can also download different theme songs and insert based on whatever season you're in.
  3. Still 11" here after days of melting. There's lots of melting on the edges of the yard, but the majority of the snowpack is melting much slower.
  4. Yeah one of my coworkers had covid in early to mid November, got the shot (first one) the same day I did and had no symptoms other than the day2 sore shoulder.
  5. Since we're warming up it sure would be nice to have a shot at some convection, but it looks pretty quiet for the next 10 days.
  6. Got the 1st shot last Saturday. Didn't get any symptoms, just a slightly sore shoulder the next day. Shot #2 scheduled for March 20th.
  7. MLI topped out at 47 today. Knocked off a few more inches of snow pack, now down to about 14".
  8. This time of year I'm in lumberjack mode, and usually have a fairly lengthy beard. By late spring I usually hack it back to a long stubble and generally leave it that way till football season.
  9. Made it to 40, MLI and DVN both hit 42. Lost a few inches of snow cover here today. Vis sat shows a huge amount of snow is already gone down to the south, with only northern MO/central IL points north with appreciable snow cover now.
  10. Overachieving here, already 39 here. Easily gonna make the 40s this afternoon.
  11. Yesterday's rain knocked the snowpack down a good inch back to about 17". Already getting that mangy look. Should make a run at 40 today, and be into the 40s tomorrow. Mid-upper 40s look possible by the weekend.
  12. A bit over 32" here. Amounts go up quickly west of here, with MLI over 40", Cedar Rapids over 50". We average somewhere between 30-35" a season so we're already at average for the season.
  13. 0.19" of rain so far, but it's winding down more towards a drizzle now. Up to 34, first time above freezing since Feb 4th.
  14. Only a T of snow here today. 80/20 rain/snow right now. Worst bust of the season in a season with underperformers.
  15. I don't even know what to call the stuff that's coming down right now. It's too small to even call pixie dust. I guess frozen microbes would be a better term. Man this thing sure turned into a pos. Funny to think that I was thinking there may even be a chance at T-snow earlier lol. If we end up getting 1/3" out of this I'd consider it a win at this point.
  16. Yeah radar looks pretty terrible in southern IA/northern MO. That's what I get for being optimistic earlier lol. I'll enjoy my 1" of slop and bring on the thaw tomorrow I guess.
  17. Up to 30 degrees for the first time since Feb 4th.
  18. I'm actually kind of torn. Usually once snow starts to get that mangy look and it's getting to this time of the year I'm ready for it to get out as well. Since our snow cover streak will be a solid 2 months next week I'm kind of hoping it hangs around as long as it can. If models started showing a 65 degree torch with convection it'd be hard to root against that though lol.
  19. Omaha also down to 1/8 mile now. 4-5" reports coming out of that area already. Models generally have 0.2-0.3" of precip for here/QC. I think the kuchera ratios area actually too pessimistic along the I-80 corridor where in some cases they have it <10:1. Think there's a good chance at 12-14:1 if we get into some good banding, so 3-4" looks possible.
  20. Have a rainer next Sat, and then another one next Tue on the op Euro, with temps above freezing each day starting tomorrow. Safe to say the snow depth will be at it's peak later today/this evening, and then all downhill from there.
  21. Council Bluffs down to 1/8 mile in some pretty hefty snow. Several other sites at 1/4 mile.
  22. That sucks. They gotta be getting pretty desperate with such a prolonged deep snow cover.
  23. Made it down to 1 above. Bounced up to 29 this afternoon which felt pretty nice compared to late.
  24. Looks like clouds are gonna coc k block our chance at a 15th consecutive day of below zero. Persistent clouds continue to back-build along the I-80 corridor, and that's kept our temps up near 10 above. About 15 miles north where it's clear they are already below zero. 14 days in a row below zero is still very impressive for this area, especially in Feb.
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