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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. MLI hit 71 again, hit 69 here which is the warmest of the season so far. Trees are starting to bud now.
  2. Thread created just in time lol. SPC just upped tor probs to 5% in southeast MN, far west WI, and extreme northeast IA. HRRR has considerably more surface cape than 3km NAM, as it has dews pooling into the upper 50s to near 60 ahead of the surface low, while the 3KM NAM keeps dews lower in the 50s. The result is cape AOA 1000J/kg on the HRRR and <100J/kg on the NAM. SPC must be banking on the HRRR working out, as if the NAM ends up being correct tors would be very hard to come by. I for one am rooting for the HRRR, let's kick off 2021 severe season with a bang.
  3. Looking forward to some Iowa sloppy seconds tomorrow evening.
  4. I figured we'd get some more snow at some point, but was leaning more towards April lol.
  5. MLI tied the old record from 1986 @ 71 degrees. It's possible they bumped higher after that climo report that came out around 4pm. Hit 67 here.
  6. I know it's not true but it seems like Broyles forecasts the day 2-8 stretch for 16 days in a row when he gets his turn in the cycle.
  7. 63 here so far, 67 at MLI. Quite a few mid-upper level clouds co ck blocked our 70 potential, but still an exceedingly nice day. Went out and picked up all the twigs and branches that fell off during the cold season. Yard is pretty squishy from all the additional moisture from the melt. Still have a remnant drift of about 6" deep across much of the backyard, but most areas are bare now.
  8. The DVN radar is being shut off March 11th for "life extension" and could be down for a week. Pretty stupid to schedule something like that in spring/summer/fall when severe is possible. Best time would be in met winter even though it's service would be missed during a winter storm. Still better than being out of commission during severe weather season.
  9. Surface winds have been a bit slower to veer compared to what short-term guidance forecast earlier in the day, and has resulted in temps a few degrees cooler than progged. Still, MLI at 63, and 57 here. Tomorrow we make that run at 70 with the westerly winds.
  10. Yeah tomorrow looks pretty good. West-southwest surface winds always do well here for overperforming temps. Very dry surface conditions just sw where snow has been gone for awhile now. Red flag warnings not too far away in northeast MO today.
  11. MLI should have their first 60 of the season today as well. Prob mid 50s here as we melt the remaining snow. HRRR and RGEM both show 70 tomorrow for MLI. That'll get the ol' birds cheepin' lol
  12. Still have a few inches of snow in the backyard, with remaining drifts of 10" or so, but the front and side yard is mostly bare now. The great glacier of 2021 has held quite admirably considering the past few weeks of warmth, and no measurable snow since way back on Feb 18th. If not for the raging sleet storm in late Dec, and several freezing rain events this stuff would have been gone a week ago. The snow has held our temps back compared to nearby areas just south, like MLI for example. We hit 52 today which was the warmest so far of the season. Looks like 60 tomorrow and mid 60s Mon-Wed. MLI will prob tag 70 somewhere in the Mon-Wed stretch.
  13. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d677692b-5367-46ef-ab1f-326b7b55dd1c
  14. I miss the way it used to be back in the day. Snow advisories for a pure snow event, travelers advisories for moderate mixed events. Used to be heavy snow warning for a heavy snow event with little wind, and no mixing. I think they saved WS warnings for heavy snow with moderate/sub blizzard winds, and also for mixed precip and heavy snow.
  15. Only 47 here today, DVN with 46. MLI was 11-12 degrees warmer with 58 where there's apparently no snow. Still 5-6" here. Didn't budge much even with the mid 40s today.
  16. Think I'll give this winter an A-. Solid snow cover of 4"+ from Dec 29th till present, long period of a foot or more on the ground, impressive arctic stretch in mid Feb. Highlight of the winter was probably the torrential downpour of sleet Dec 29th that dropped 1.5" of a sleet. I've seen heavy sleet many times, but nothing even close to that. Heaviest snow event was only 6.3", which was a bit frustrating considering areas east and west had much more than that, and we also failed to hit a single 6" event last winter. Hopefully next winter we can get a 8-9"+ storm.
  17. 45 here today, 50 at MLI. Down to about 5" of cement.
  18. Long ways off but the Euro's been advertising a system around the 10th. Verbatim could be a shot at some decent convection with a swath of 55+ dews out ahead of it. At this point it's the only thing to watch.
  19. Definitely would take a good downpour to wash all the remnant salt/grime off the roads. It's good we avoided heavy rains during this massive meltoff for flooding reasons. The bare ground is steadily advancing north, and is now not far from the I-80 corridor in IA/IL.
  20. Welcome to spring! Now have about 6-7" of snow cover left. Snow is not nearly as deep as this time last week, but it still looks like deep winter with a very solid snow pack. Have now had deep snow cover since Dec 29th, but by the end of this week this once impressive glacier will be probably down to scattered piles.
  21. Extremely dense fog out there at the moment. Several sites around are reporting 1/8 mile vis. Looks like the thermal ridge gets here around midday when we could make a run at 50, and then downhill from there. Still a good 8" of white cement out there.
  22. Not in our sub, but Garden City KS is 74/-10 with 3% humidity, and winds gusting to 48mph.
  23. Made it to 50 both here and at MLI this afternoon. Lots of peeps out walking/jogging and hanging out in their garages. Spring fever in full swing fo sho.
  24. Congrats on the new house Looks like we have a chance at our first 50 degree reading today. Even though the snow is still quite deep you don't have to go too far to the south to get completely out of it, so that should help with temps. Next weekend or early the following week the first 60 degree day looks likely. The Euro shows 60s all the way to the UP by then as well.
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