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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. First 70 of the year here today at 71. Looks like mid to upper 70s tomorrow. Mon was looking like a shot at 80 but the Euro has been advertising a small area of clouds and precip that could screw that potential.
  2. Even though it was only a few degrees warmer it felt considerably warmer than yesterday with full sun and light winds today. Some fires showing up on vis out over portions of northern IL.
  3. Unfortunately the lengthy stretch of warm weather has been cut back by several days on the past few Euro runs. Looks like Mon will be the warmest day, with a run at 80 possible here.
  4. Pretty benign month for this area. Hopefully April brings the goods at some point.
  5. The 2nd shot (moderna) gave me a 102 ° fever/chills/hungover feeling about 14hrs after the shot. Felt pretty much back to normal after 12hrs of that.
  6. Looking pretty boring the next 10 days. Still waiting on the first 70 here although MLI has hit the low 70s a few times.
  7. My folks got their 2nd doses of Pfizer last Friday. My mom had zero symptoms from either shot other than the sore shoulder, and my dad had symptoms like what I had with the 2nd shot (brief fever/chills/hungover feeling). Funny how it reacts different from person to person.
  8. Picked up 0.35" of rain this evening. Grass has really started greening up the past several days.
  9. 10z RAP drops 0.03" here now lol. Looks like mostly a whiff southeast with the heavier rains like most models have been showing.
  10. This could have been a pretty high end snowstorm for Chicago/northern IL if this would have happened several weeks ago.
  11. RAP drops over 2" of rain here with some models only about 1/3". That wind event looks pretty serious tomorrow evening from IN into OH. Multiple models all showing a compact, yet very high end wind event. Looks like 60mph should be breached quite easily along wherever that swath sets up.
  12. They confirmed an EF-0. First nader of 2021 for the DVN cwa.
  13. Probably tornado in far southeast IA last evening near Fort Madison. Sounds like DVN is going to survey it. https://www.weather.gov/dvn/summary_03232021
  14. First thunder in 5-6 months here (at least that I've heard) with some slow distant rumbles the past 15 minutes. Last batch of rain moving through, have picked up 0.82".
  15. Several tornado warnings from southeast IA into eastern MO/western IL over the past hour.
  16. Picked up 0.57" so far today. Now waiting for some Missouri sloppy seconds later this evening.
  17. Yeah I was kind of ready for it, def didn't disappoint lol. By early evening yesterday I was pretty much back to normal. Today I feel fantastic.
  18. Haha me too. That day will haunt me forever. We had chased the first main cell of the day from west of Ottumwa all the way up towards Clinton but missed the tors it finally produced there. Said screw it and gave up and went to Applebees in Moline lol. Later on into the meal started hearing about the tornado out by Ashton that went on to hit Fairdale. That sup passed only about 20 miles east of home, could have just sat home all day and lolly gagged out there late in the afternoon and followed it from there.
  19. I would imagine they'll bump up to marginal on later outlooks. It definitely deserves it with pockets of surface cape AOA 500J/kg present ahead of the front in a high shear environment. Mid-level lapse rates look kinda crappy, barely 7 C/km so it'll be hard getting cape much above that. Models have been pretty insistent on temps/dews having a hard time cracking 60/mid 50s. All in all a low-end threat but looks to be enough for a few tors, and worthy of at least a 2% tor risk.
  20. Overachieved a bit today and made it to 66. Looking forward to the potential for some low-topped convection late Tuesday. This morning's Euro dropped the surface low down to 977mb for the late week system.
  21. 14hrs after the 2nd moderna shot at 1:30 this morning I woke up with teeth chattering chills. Had 102 fever. Fever seems gone this am but feel pretty weak/blah. The first shot only resulted in a sore shoulder on day 2/3.
  22. Got the 2nd dose of the moderna about 3hrs ago. Def felt that shot which surprised me cause I didn't feel the 1st one lol. So far no symptoms but it's early.
  23. Finished with 0.50" for the day. Still some drizzle.
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