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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. So much for a few farewell flakes lol. Whiff southeast.
  2. We've had the final event of the season graze/miss southeast in previous seasons so not too surprising this one may as well. Just give me a few farewell flakes during the daytime Tue and that's good enough for me lol. Def don't need that several inch scenario.
  3. DVN point has snow going back to rain on Monday morning lol. Pretty unfortunate that they seem to be forced into using some sort of blend and not issuing a correct/actual forecaster based forecast. Pretty embarrassing really. Tuesday Rain and snow showers likely, becoming all rain after 10am. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 41. Chance of precipitation is 70%.
  4. Pretty chilly evening to be planting trees lol, but did it anyway. Planted wildfire black gum, and dawn redwood. Here's a shot of the dawn redwood. This puppy could be well over 100ft tall someday.
  5. I've gotten in the bad habit of checking the SPC site every morning. Extremely quiet spring so far in the midwest.
  6. Today was a perfect day to spend a good hour picking up all the sticks and little branches that blew down over the winter. The nice thing about this time of year is you can be outside at all times and not be harassed by insects lol.
  7. This would have been one for the ages had it been a snowstorm. Couldn't get much better pivot point action than this. Will definitely go down as the highlight of April. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/GIS/apps/rview/warnings.phtml?autopilot=0&osite=DVN&tzoff=0&layers[]=nexrad&layers[]=warnings&layers[]=cwas&layers[]=uscounties&layers[]=watches&layers[]=blank&site=DVN&tz=CDT&archive=yes&year=2021&month=4&day=11&hour=12&minute=0&warngeo=both&zoom=250&imgsize=640x480&loop=1&frames=150&interval=15&filter=0&cu=0&sortcol=fcster&sortdir=0&lsrlook=%2B&lsrwindow=0
  8. Hopefully we can at least have a good amount of sun on the cooler days. Makes a big difference now that it's mid April. Hopefully May will be rockin'
  9. Up to 3.30". Just west of us it's continuing to dump pretty good.
  10. Up to 2.32" so far. Dry slot about to arrive so will see a several hour break. May get another half inch or so later this evening/overnight. Lots of standing water out there.
  11. Been a nice steady moderate to occasionally heavy rain since mid morning. Up to 1.70". Good chance at 3"+. MLI is already pushing 2".
  12. Good chance at 2"+ over a good portion of the DVN cwa tomorrow. Some models indicate the potential for up to 3". Gonna be pretty soggy.
  13. Looks like another 1-2" of rain potential with tomorrow's compact deform precip comma head. Would have been a nice little blizzard a few months ago lol.
  14. 0.98" of rain total, including today's 0.06". Grass is taking off.
  15. Surprising amount of lightning/thunder with the decaying band of convection. Had a few pretty loud crashes a little earlier. Picked up another 0.43" this eve, now up to 0.84" for the day.
  16. Dewpoint 60 for the first time this season. Had a nice little garden variety storm around noon. Picked up 0.41" so far. Decaying Missouri convection to roll in later this eve.
  17. Looks like the snoozefest continues for the foreseeable future. Man, what a benign spring.
  18. Despite clouds we managed our first 80 today. MLI and DVN both have as well. Looking forward to the rains wed. We can use some. EDIT: MLI tied a record high with 81 degrees.
  19. Looks like the Euro has been correct the past several days in showing clouds holding back max temp potential today. Probably gonna make a late day run at 80 so it's still possible we make 80, but think without these clouds 80 would have been achieved easily.
  20. Head some thunder earlier as some isolated cells passed nearby. Picked up 0.04" from a micro cell.
  21. Gave 80 a good run today. Hit 78 here, DVN and MLI both 79. Felt pretty toasty in the sun.
  22. A lot of peeps got their first little sunburns of the year today lol. Just about every property here in town was filled with people out doing yard work, grilling, or just hanging out. Spring fever is definitely in full swing.
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