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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. The 00z Euro took a big jump north with the precip shield compared to many of it's previous cycles. The 1" total line jumped north about 50-75 miles compared to earlier runs. Looks like the wet snow potential is very real. If it happens here it will be well after midnight and before sunrise so I def won't be seeing any of it lol.
  2. Down to 32 here and also at MLI. Over in LOT it's 27 in Sugar Grove with several upper 20s around. Looks like a freeze warning was warranted. Hopefully folks covered up their plants anyway with the frost advisories being issued etc. Looks like Mon and Tue may be as cold in some areas. I went back and looked at the weather station data. Didn't have any freezes after April 30th from 2016-2019, last year we had 1. This May we could have 3. EDIT: Now also looks like Wed morning also has freeze potential. 4 freezes in May? Wow
  3. That's kind of the thinking here as well. We're only about 20 miles from Camanche Iowa where the infamous 1860 tornado blew through. No way to know for sure but that thing was surely EF3 and above. Haven't seen anything close to that in my lifetime in this area (luckily) but it can definitely happen.
  4. Running a bit late but baby leaves on the new white oak have finally opened. This innocent looking little 5ft tree could still be standing and thriving 300-400 years from now if all goes well, it's a very long-living tree if allowed to thrive.
  5. Looks like some frost and maybe freeze potential in the near future. Right now Saturday morning and Monday morning look the coldest for this particular area. I know a lot of peeps in this area have already planted some things, so good chance they'll be covering them up those nights.
  6. Nice soaker today, picked up 0.64".
  7. As per usual just head to Macomb and wait lol. That place has had the hot hand for years. Up this way we're socked in with clouds but still wouldn't be surprised if some low-end severe occurs. I'm wanting the rains more than anything.
  8. 85 here today, 86 at DVN. Hoping for a good storm tomorrow afternoon.
  9. SPC is gonna need to stretch the marginal up into eastern IA/northern IL for tomorrow. CAMs have been pretty consistent in indicating decent convection over the area tomorrow afternoon/evening, with 1000-2000J/KG cape and respectable low-level wind shear.
  10. We had a few wet flakes last year on May 10th so the above doesn't surprise me lol.
  11. Yeah impressive temps up in northern IA. Mason City and Clarion both at 93 with time to go even higher. Up to 84 here, and 86 at DVN. DVN may make a run at 90 as well.
  12. Had a nice outbreak of dust devils in this area today. Saw several on the way home out in the freshly tilled/planted farm fields. Best action of the spring so far. Made it to 68 here, 70 @ MLI. Back to the 80s tomorrow.
  13. Getting very strong gusts from the mostly virga showers moving through. Some is reaching the ground but a lot is evaporating and it's creating very strong wind gusts. Picked up 0.04" this morning to bring the two day total up to 0.10".
  14. Picked up 0.06" of rain this evening.
  15. That would truly suck after the past few days of summer weather. MLI ended up with 87, a new record. Hit 86 here.
  16. New record high for MLI today of either 87 or 88 depending on the rounding. Old record was 86.
  17. Still 71 as we approach midnight. Feels like a summer evening. Still waiting on the first slight risk of the season. Don't recall making it into May without being in one but I'm sure it's happened. Very benign spring to say the least.
  18. MLI has made it to at least 84 so far today. The record of 86 is in jeopardy tomorrow if clouds hold off long enough.
  19. Getting a lot of blowing dust off the fields out here south of town. Looks like the dust bowl lol. 35-40 mph gusts the past few hours. Temp is up to 80.
  20. We've already risen over 30 degrees from our morning low of 38 up to 69 degrees already. Should make the low 80s today, and mid-upper 80s tomorrow.
  21. We got lucky and picked up over 3" of rain a few weeks ago, so it's not too terribly dry yet. Did go out and water a few things this evening though. Looking forward to the 80s Mon and Tue.
  22. Ma nature heard me complaining this morning and gave me a nice little period of light snow.
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