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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Bagged a needle nader out near Parnell IA that afternoon. Little did we know what was going on in the next state south. Can't believe that it's been 10yrs already, sheesh.
  2. 82 here today with dews over 65. Clouding up now with some sprinkles moving in. The gnats are out in full force now, one negative aspect of the recent rains.
  3. Another 0.22" here today, so up to 4.57" for May. Wish we could send some of this a bit further east. We good here.
  4. Damn, different story here today. Had a decent amount of clouds, but plenty of mixed sun and a building cu field. Kind of looked like a storm could pop out of some of those but they didn't. Made it to 83 both here and MLI. These mid 60 degree dews the past few days feel more like the mid 70s after the desert-like air masses we've had most of the spring.
  5. About the equivalent of our benign Decembers lately. Pretty sad.
  6. Just heard thunder for 2nd time since last fall as a micro cell passed over. Had very brief downpour, picked up 0.05". 1.14" total since yesterday.
  7. Steady rain continues to fall, now up to 0.94". Looks like more rains are developing upstream over west-central IL so another 1/4-1/2" is possible by morning. Over 4" for May, and over 13" for the year now. MLI is up to over 14" for the year.
  8. Steady rains all day slowly added up to 0.63" here, 0.82" at MLI. Still some light rain coming down.
  9. The heavier rains didn't make it up this way but still picked up a respectable 0.31", with some very light rain still coming down. Up to 3.19" for the month now. Looks like another slug of rains later tonight/tomorrow morning that could deliver another 1/2" or more.
  10. Santa must have left some coal in his stocking lol
  11. Some of the models have bumped the heavier rains a little further north here in the DVN cwa for tonight. Looks like 1-2" of rain could be on the way for here/QC.
  12. Been almost 2 months now since my 2nd dose of moderna (Mar 20). Haven't heard any news of a booster lately (not that I follow it as closely as most here lol). Guess that means a booster won't be needed at least within the first year?
  13. Decent little soaker this morning; 0.54". Cool day with temps failing to make it out of the 50s. Hopefully the last day in the 50s till October.
  14. Ma nature's gonna make up for it by a single 150-170mph derecho somewhere in the sub in July or August.
  15. Tropical Tidbits removed the HRW-NNM and replaced it with the FV3 hi-res. Wonder if it's the same model with a fancy new name?
  16. Temp should easily hit 32 or colder here tonight. Should finally be the last freeze.
  17. Finished with 1.68" of rain. Temp bottomed out at 37 so no flakes here.
  18. Yeah you seem to be near ground zero for where that band sets up. It's down to 33 in Rochelle so I'm guessing there's some fatties mixing in there. If this system would have hit a month earlier we'd be looking at a fat band of 10"+ between I-80 and I-88. Down to 39 here with moderate rain. Up to 0.75".
  19. Cold moderate rain and 40 here. Don't think we'll see any snow here. Up to 0.63" for the event with quite a bit more on the way.
  20. This time last week that same area had temps in the low to mid 90s lol. Several ob sites in the 37-39 degree range in that area. Rain just started here.
  21. First flakes this fall could be less than 5 months away.
  22. Looks like the triple R is starting to back off the ridiculous snow output from previous runs. Shows over 2" of rain here. Ready 2b drowned.
  23. One of my co-workers who tested positive back in January still doesn't have her sense of smell back. No other symptoms though. What a strange virus.
  24. Yeah must have. Had several 30s, including a 33 but only one day (the 9th) AOB freezing (28 degrees).
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