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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Hit 92 at both MLI and DVN, 91 here today. Looks like some issues with more clouds/higher dews may make it a little tougher to hit 90 tomorrow in this area. Chances for scattered showers/storms increase though in coming days which is nice.
  2. Very nice! Is that the crib weather station site?
  3. First 90 degree day here/DVN/MLI today. MSP is already up to 98 as of 2pm, very impressive. A few 100 degree readings in southwest MN already.
  4. 89'd at both MLI and DVN today. Still waiting on 1st 90 degree day. Soils drying out so will get easier and easier going forward.
  5. No doubt. Fargo has 100/101 in their point for tomorrow/Saturday. Many people probably think it's an arctic wasteland after watching the movie Fargo lol.
  6. HRRR has 100 degree heat way up by International Falls tomorrow lol.
  7. Temps overachieved here today, was the warmest of the year so far at 87. DVN hit 88. Looks like the soup arrives next week. Dews AOA 70 widespread starting Mon or Tue per Euro. Ready 2 sweat.
  8. Looks like the first potential 90 degree day of the year this weekend/early next week for here and MLI.
  9. Look at those two huge vertical jumps in 2006 in March and April. Both were over twice what last year's August derecho added up to. That's pretty insane.
  10. I imagine that's gotta be about a once in a 100yr period or more kind of map for the sub.
  11. The Euro FINALLY gets some big cape into at least part of the sub by about June 10th. It's been like pulling teeth to get cape values over about 100 this year.
  12. 37 here this morning, stayed frost free luckily.
  13. I remember when you could go to the SPC page and see something that was actually kind of exciting, you know, a slight risk on day 3 or something. I think we've been in a marginal twice this year. Talk about a lame-ass year.
  14. Hi of 48 for the day, and that occurred at midnight lol. Just a miserable day with steady drizzle and northeast winds. Picked up 0.86" since yesterday (0.74" since midnight).
  15. Frost advisory tonight with a point forecast low of 36. Kind of insane for May 29th. Snowing in Marshfield WI atm.
  16. Picked up 0.61" and counting from some storms that popped up overhead in the past hour. Closing in on 6" for May.
  17. Only 0.12" from the decaying IA stuff this morning.
  18. Looks like Cedar Rapids is about to get yet another thunderstorm here in a bit. That place can't lose. Waiting on late night Iowa sloppy seconds per usual here.
  19. Gonna be awhile before we get our first 90. Ground is relatively wet out this way which cuts down on max heating potential, and no heat is in the forecast as well. Looking pretty chilly later this week with some cold rains Thu into Fri.
  20. Already 80/67 at 10am. Some weak convection out in east Iowa will hopefully lollygag over this way this afternoon and take advantage of the more unstable air out this way.
  21. Probably the top 1 or 2 event for any member in this sub so far this spring, congrats!
  22. This March-May stretch has been a mind-blowingly boring stretch of weather and we're some of the lucky ones who actually got some rain. Hopefully something interesting happens in June, or July.
  23. Man it feels like I'm living in Michigan or something with the lack of any severe prospects this year.
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