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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. 45 here, coldest met summer low since station data began back in 2015.
  2. Looks like great sleeping weather tonight, as mid 40s look likely. Great camping weather!
  3. It's pretty messed up someone would post something like that on social media without knowing apparently anything. Not cool.
  4. 00z Euro shows very nice widespread rains Thu-Sun for most of the sub, with some areas receiving more than 3". Only at 0.90" for the month here so I'm hoping for at least 2-3" out of this.
  5. Picked up 0.43" from a weakening storm just a short while ago. U gotta take what u can get lately.
  6. Currently getting split by two developing lines of storms, can hear the thunder from the one just southeast. If the one out by CR falls apart before getting here we really could get zero rain today which would really be lol worthy. That being said I went out and watered everything a bit ago with the thunder in the distance.
  7. 2 waves of rain have approached today and crapped the bed right before getting here. 0.00" for the day.
  8. Definitely seems like the ongoing MCV will be a big focus today. Convection continues to bubble up nicely from central IA down into especially northern MO. Would imagine that to hold it's own for several hours and eventually increase and become severe later today. Any place ahead of that feature is in play for today, just depends how soon it takes off and starts producing severe. Definitely could see some tor potential with that. Behind it with the cold front is definitely looking pretty good as well. Very nice synoptic setup for a band of severe with that. How strong that gets depends on how much Iowa destabilizes later today. Clearing already working into western IA already. SPC meso shows steep mid LR out over the Plains, and those will shift into IA later today which will also help. Forecast soundings show pretty good low-level shear and nice vorticity advection with the potent incoming vort max is nice as well. HRRR has showed isolated cells popping up ahead out in the open warm sector which may be another good sign. All in all should be an interesting day.
  9. 8 AOA 90 degree days here this year, all in June. MLI has 9. Lots of lightning in the southern sky tonight. A big FU from ma nature as she teases us yet again.
  10. Kind of sucks to be really close to the enhanced from SPC and prob won't get much rain again tonight. SPC really trolling us the past two days lol. Hopefully we can at least get a wussy elevated shower or two later tonight.
  11. Substantial bump northward on the latest outlook over Iowa and Illinois. IL QC now in enhanced for sig hail. This area was barely in marginal earlier.
  12. Only 0.11" early this morning. After how bad radar looked late last evening I'll take it.
  13. Looks like SPC may have been a wee bit too expansive with their risk area for this event.
  14. Got a mini-heat burst going on here right now. Getting 30-40mph southeast winds and the temp has jumped up from 80 to 82 degrees, still climbing. EDIT: Up to 83 now.
  15. Baseball size hail a bit earlier southwest of Redwing MN.
  16. Got up to 93 here and at MLI today. Got a decaying band of thunder sprinkles moving in from the nose of Iowa. Hoping for some late night thunder/heavy rain but if the stuff that forms remains elevated and doesn't form a cold pool it would likely move more eastward than southeast. Guess we'll see.
  17. Yep, may have to wait till the next 'event' lol. Oh well getting a great workout from watering every other night.
  18. 59 early this morning but already back up to 82. Dews still pretty meager in the mid 50s. Looking forward to Iowa sloppy seconds later tonight. Must be a hell of a crop of cottonwood seeds this year. Just cleaned off the AC condenser fins and they were pretty caked up with them.
  19. There's def a sense of confusion. Almost reminds me of game 7 back in 2016, did that REALLY just happen?
  20. Got down to 56 here, and currently the dew is 46. Not too shabby for mid June. My jaw almost came out of it's sockets this morning when I saw we were included in a slight risk for tomorrow.
  21. I'd like to lock that in, maybe a slight bump northeast.
  22. 86 so far here, but dews in the mid 50s so not bad out there. Gonna be laying a lot of rock down tomorrow out in front of the house so glad the dews will be quite low for mid June.
  23. Can even see that smoke plume from here, on the eastern horizon. Here's a link to that Furnace Creek in Death Valley weather station data. https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/timeseries.php?sid=DEVC1&num=72&banner=gmap&raw=0&w=325
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