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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Hit 90 today here, MLI made 91. Last 1" rainfall here was way back on May 9th, almost 2 months ago now. Been a desperately boring past 5 months to say the least weatherwise.
  2. Just heard the first cicada of the year (the non 17yr kind), always a sign you're entering the armpit of summer.
  3. I bought one in 2010, used it for about 6 years and gave it to a buddy after I got the Davis VP2. It's still working flawlessly for him apparently. My Davis VP2 only lasted a few years and then the transponder crapped out lol. Got another Vue and it's been working great for the last 3 years or so. Would definitely recommend the Vue.
  4. I'm just gonna say see avatar from now on lol
  5. Picked up 0.20" of anvil rain early this morning. Top 10 event this summer.
  6. After tagging 110 earlier, Quillayute now has fog and 62 degrees lol. That's gotta feel pretty nice. Keep in mind the sun doesn't set there for another 40 minutes.
  7. Northwest IL has been in the relative screw zone as well. Hopefully we can get into some ROF MCS stuff sometime this summer.
  8. Seattle actually bumped back to 104, but the Dalles is up to 118 which is a new Oregon state max. The wind shifted from northeast to south at Quillayute WA and the temp dropped from 109 to 81 in the past hour.
  9. Picked up 0.16" from decaying precip globs earlier. DVN has us in a FFW but that's needed about as much as a winter storm warning.
  10. It's pretty hard to hit 100 around here without a major drought it seems. '95 is one of the rare times when we hit 100 when it wasn't a dry period. All this hybrid corn really puts a dent in ultra max out potential. For us to ever have a shot at 110+ it will have to be a near dust-bowl era type of drought that wipes out most of the crops fairly early on in the summer. With as strange as the weather has been this year I could see something like that happening eventually unfortunately.
  11. That's crazy heat out there. For MLI to beat their all time record by 5 degrees it'd have to hit 116. Can't imagine that ever happening lol.
  12. Glad we lucked out and got into those showers early this morning as tonight's action crapped the bed as it approached the Mississippi River. Next chance for precip looks to be on Mon.
  13. Picked up 0.51" from thunderless showers early this morning. We're sort of sneaking through this period getting just enough rain to be beneficial, and very little thunderstorm activity. Up to 2.99" for June now, with 2.09" of that just since this past Tuesday.
  14. Looks like it will be pretty warm in Georgia and South Carolina.
  15. Nice. Yeah not sure why DVN hasn't issued a warning for that area, 6" of rain should definitely warrant a FFW IMO. Looks like a quiet night here, as models mostly suggested. Storms that were approaching are crapping the bed.
  16. 0.06" more this morning to bring us up to 0.61" for the day, and 0.65" since last evening. Enough to keep me from watering at least. Some models keep us in sort of a dead zone for the heaviest rains, but all it takes is one good cell to come over and it could easily drop a quick inch.
  17. Decent soaker here with 0.59". 3-4" fell down in southern Henry County.
  18. Rain beginning here now. Nice swirling comma head down by IA/MO border looks like it may swing northeastward up this way later on and dump on us pretty good.
  19. 0.00" here today, but it dumped on work for a bit. I'll take the 2-3" stuff, don't need none of that 6-10" crap that MO will be getting lol.
  20. RGEM went nuts and drops 6-9" of rain just southwest of the QC tomorrow night alone.
  21. There's gonna be widespread 80 degree dews about the 2nd week of July across much of the region after all this rain and mature corn.
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