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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like clipper train may be most impactful in ne half of sub. Those of us in the southwest half
  2. I was overly optimistic a few days ago so now I'm gonna go to the other extreme lol.
  3. Sat clipper looks weak and way south now. May be waiting a few to several weeks for MLI/DVN's first accumulating snowfall unless we can get a surprise ripple or clipper to pop up in the flow.
  4. After a nice/brief trend yesterday things have trended back towards a non-event for the central/western sub for the Wed system. Next thing to track may be a clipper next weekend, but not looking too impressive. Hope we don't waste this cold stretch and then have to sit out 2-4 weeks of warmth in the heart of December like usual.
  5. Changed the oil in the snow blower this morning, let's go!
  6. Euro seems to be baby stepping the Wed/Thu system back into the right direction. Hope trends continue..
  7. Sort of an interesting event here (at work) on the western fringe of this thing. We kept getting pulses of light snow for a minute or two, and then not a flake to be seen. That went on for over an hour. Up in the sky you could see well defined cloud features from overhead and points west, and just a solid sheet of gray from overhead and to the eastern horizon. Kind of a cool experience.
  8. Radar looking good up in Wisconsin. Should be a fun first event for Chicagoland and surrounding areas.
  9. Been some nice dendrites the past hour after white rain/smaller flakes earlier.
  10. First flakes confirmed here as a snow shower moving through. Was 46 earlier but has dropped back to 38.
  11. Another round of 45-50mph winds on the way for tomorrow. May get a few snow showers late this afternoon which will be nice, but tomorrow's action will miss just east. Nice to get the first flakes of the season though.
  12. Getting 45-50mph southeast winds the past hour or two. Really rocking out there. Nice little soaker today that slowly added up to 0.55".
  13. First flakes still a few weeks (or more) away.
  14. The last few winters it seemed to overhype the intensity of storm systems in the med/long range. Hopefully it's improved on that.
  15. Trending in the other direction now. Looking pretty wussy at this point.
  16. Storm system next Tue/Wed looking interesting. Severe weather looking likely if trends continue.
  17. Today's 0.29" so far brings us up to about 1.7" for event. I'll take it.
  18. Looks like tonight's wave will underperform here but still overall nice event.
  19. 0.52" here so far. Should pick up another 1.5-2.5" through Tuesday. Heaviest looks to arrive Monday night.
  20. We've already had 8 freezes here including several hard ones. No first flakes in sight however.
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