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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Picked up 0.02" from decaying anvil shower earlier. Today another letdown, let's try again tomorrow lol.
  2. Nice 45 mph gusts with the outflow boundary that just blew in. Temp/dew has crashed nicely.
  3. Looks like it's gonna be a nice whale's mouth.
  4. MLI had 95/81/117 earlier. Heat index peaked at 116 here with a peak dew of a sweltering 82.
  5. The storm that blew up right overhead a bit ago started putting out nice CGs before there was any rain shaft visible. Pretty kewl.
  6. Congrats on all the tornadoes today everyone! I had some obligations which kept me from getting out the door until 7pm lol. Managed to get on a nice tornado warned sup south of Princeton IL. Had nice structure and a few brief funnels. This near Tiskilwa around 8:15pm
  7. Towering cu in the southern and eastern halves of the sky. Look like they could go at any point, but they will blow up just southeast/east of this area as expected. Hopefully we can get in some thunderstorms tomorrow night. Dews in the upper 70s again, with heat index readings around 100 again.
  8. Some nice looking agitated cu back here on the western end of things. Looking quite interesting for a good chunk of n. IL.
  9. Yeah the longevity of that sup out in IA is very impressive.
  10. 89'd for 2nd day in a row at MLI as afternoon clouds came in and coc k blocked today's 90 potential. Today was looking like a good chance for storms for days but the setup has skipped over us. Hopefully can get a storm early tomorrow before the better storms fire up to the east (again) later in the day.
  11. The slasher (Thompson) from SPC upped tor probs to 5% over the tri-state area of IA/MN/WI for today. Guess things are looking better for naders in that area. EDIT: I always used to joke that Thompson (who's prob my favorite SPC forecaster) is the "slasher" as he used to always come in and "trim the fat" away on outlooked areas that were usually overdone, and sometimes over categorized lol. Seeing him actually upgrade probs was usually a very good sign.
  12. The sensor at MLI may be crapping the bed. Their temp dropped from 88 to 80 in 7 minutes for no apparent reason. Back in the soup here with dews above 75. Heat index is hovering around 100 from time to time.
  13. Tough call for here, as we're on the border of icy and flaky, and numb. Hmmm.
  14. Was nice to see deep blue skies today, seems like it's been forever. More smoke rolling in from the north now though.
  15. A raging sleet storm from IKK up into far northwestern IN. Great sleeping weather last night/early this morning. Got down to 52 here.
  16. If this keeps up the NWS will have to add a dense smoke advisory to the list of headline choices lol.
  17. Will finish July with 5.51" of rain. Oops my bad, meant to post in July thread.
  18. Dewpoint reached 79 today at both MLI and here. We've since slipped back to a more comfortable 74 and 75 though lol. MLI hit 92 today.
  19. Yeah I'm quite pleased to say the least. Nearly continuous thunder the past few hours. Point only had a 20% chance of rain lol. Up to 1.76" and still raining. EDIT: 1.92" now
  20. Many locations in the DVN cwa have dews between 80-84 right now. MLI officially at 80, across the river in Clinton they have 83. Just went out and watered and just doing that caused me to sweat profusely. Very sultry out there with zero wind as well.
  21. Dew reached 80 as expected, and temp peaked at 91. Several sites around have had dews in the 81-82 degree range. Usually when you get a day like this there's a good chance at storms that night, but all this humidity is pretty much a waste for this area.
  22. Another round of AOA 80 degree dews look likely this afternoon. Heat indices should approach 110 again.
  23. Looking forward to seeing the anvils in the northeastern sky tomorrow afternoon.
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