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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Hard to find much on the midwest Halloween '91 storm, as most of the attention was on the one out east at the same time. Here's about all I can find, but you can see satellite loops, regional radar, and surface maps from Oct 30/ Oct 31/ Nov 1. 34:25 min mark for Oct 30th 49:20 min mark for Oct 31st 1:07:10 hour/min mark for Nov 1st- the peak of the Midwest blizzard.
  2. That was a great read. I remember that one, have family in southwest IA (near Shenendoah) that were in on that devastating ice storm. Definitely one for the ages from MSP to Duluth. It's pretty crazy how "the perfect storm" out east happened at the same time.
  3. He hasn't made it just yet! JK, congrats!
  4. The sugar maples and the hybrid maples have really exploded with color the past few days. Oaks are way behind, with most of them still pretty much entirely green still.
  5. Looks like the first 10 days of the month will be pretty quiet. Next week looks cool and dry, with widespread hard freeze potential mid to late week across a good chunk of the sub.
  6. Ha we're pretty close. Got 6.94" here for the month. Picked up 0.65" the last two days.
  7. Hopefully being at ground zero for a 2 foot blizzard 10 days out before Halloween is a good sign for the upcoming winter lol.
  8. All they need is to hire a Gloom and they'll have the perfect pair.
  9. Was a fun storm system to watch. Finished with 1.62" here, and that brings us up to 6.28" for October. More like Wettober lol. Kind of funny we have over 6" of rain this month, while we only managed 2.07" for August and September combined. Ma nature, u crazee.
  10. Nice to see a widespread event again. Winds are pushing 50mph the last hour or so. MLI has hit 47mph, DVN 48mph.
  11. I love it, sounds like a winter storm out there lol. Been getting gusts between 30-40mph the past hour or so. High-res shows the strongest winds a little later this evening, and then strong northerlies late night after the low passes by. Up to 0.80" for the day.
  12. Already 0.40" here with a long way to go. Looks like some heavy downpours possible later this afternoon and especially this evening. Looks like 2-2.5" is in the bag. High-res models show 40-50mph gust potential this evening which seems reasonable given convective elements traversing the area mixing down some of the higher winds just off the surface. EDIT: Ended up bottoming out at 28 yesterday morning, which is close to a hard freeze. We were only under a frost advisory lol.
  13. First freeze here with a temp of 29 so far. Still time to drop further so hard freeze not off the table.
  14. Sunday is gonna be a great day to sit inside and watch football and listen to the cold rain beat against the eastern windows. Good chance temps fail to get out of the 40s for most of the day, and 1-2" of icy cold rain still looking likely. Great day for a slow cooking batch of chili in the ol' crock pot.
  15. Heard a couple rumbles of thunder as a developing line of showers/storms just rolled through. Had a few brief periods of very large rain drops sprinkling down. Picked up 0.01". The system coming in on Sunday would be a really nice snow event if it were about a month or so later. Looks like a cold driving rain on the way, with strong easterly surface flow.
  16. Temps overachieving here, down to 34 degrees so far. First frost in the books, albeit patchy.
  17. First 30s on the way tonight/tomorrow night. Patchy frost is possible. 3 years ago today we had the first measurable snow.
  18. Yeah this has been great. Picked up another 1.02" of rain today, bringing October to 4.64". Planted a new Jane magnolia tree, and a green giant arborvitae back on Oct 3rd, so I'm giving them credit for changing our luck lol.
  19. Nice soaking to be sure. Finished with a 2-day total of 1.87" here. Wednesday it looks like the arc of convection will be slowly crapping the bed as it traverses Iowa, so not expecting much with that system for this area.
  20. Up to 1.30" for the day, 1.74" since yesterday. Pretty muggy out there with mid 60 dews. Severe threat seems meager for the QC. Best shot looks in their southeastern cwa.
  21. Nice soaking downpours with some loud boomers this morning. Already at 0.86" and climbing fast.
  22. I plan on viewing one or two from my front porch.
  23. Picked up 0.44" today, with a few brief downpours and some thunder.
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