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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah he's been gone for quite awhile now too.
  2. What happened to Jackstraw? Seems like a lot of long-time posters are MIA this winter season. RC? Maybe forum discussion is slowly dying as someone pointed out a short while back. Oh well.
  3. Looks like mid 60s possible xmas eve. Might as well make another run at a 70 while we're at it lol.
  4. The lack of activity this year in this thread sadly indicates how accustomed we've become to the slower starts to winter as of late. In years past this thread would have already had a few decent rants by now.
  5. Both MLI and DVN picked up 0.1" of snow early this morning, bringing both location's seasonal snowfall total to 0.3". I think that's worse than a T, as at least areas without measurable snow have something interesting to make a record out of lol.
  6. Good to see ORD eacaped the DAB event. Would have been a bummer to have it ruined by a nocturnal DAB at that. Picked up 0.2" of snow here, which brings us to 0.5" for the season.
  7. Light snow falling at both DeKalb and Rochelle, with radar returns increasing across northern IL. Looks like a good chance O'Hare gets some wet snow in the next few hours, question is will it be enough to measure. Unfortunately it's looking likely a few tenths may indeed fall tonight.
  8. Just got word that the NWS will be changing the met winter category, and will from now on be categorized as January and February only. March and April will both be dubbed winter/spring, and May will remain on as spring.
  9. Like the 00z run, the 06z run of the Euro also whiffs northern IL tonight. However, now that the Euro has left the accumulation party, the HRRR has jumped on board. The 12z run drops some light accumulations for most of northern IL, including Chicago. The NAMs continue to remain dry over the area throughout the night. It comes down to the timing of the development of the precipitation. The models that are dry for northern IL are just delaying the eventual development of the wave of precip and still drops precip on lower MI. Gonna have to watch the ol' radar later tonight to see what actually happens. Looks like if it's gonna snow in Chicago it would be in 6h window between about 2am and 8am, so if we can keep precip from developing until near the end of that window they could remain snowless.
  10. The latest Euro erased the snow for northern IL, so it has moved towards the HRRR/NAMs. GFS/RGEM continue to indicate very light accumulation potential for now.
  11. NAMs and HRRR still pretty dry for tomorrow night over northern IL. Still over 24hrs out, but you'd think the models would start to align a little more in the next run or two.
  12. Looks like southeast Michigan gets the most.
  13. FWIW the HRRR and 3km NAM both look unimpressed, not developing much of anything. RGEM/GFS/Euro say otherwise. Gonna have to see which camp blinks first lol.
  14. Much of the guidance is developing some wet snow over northern IL tomorrow night. Depending on which model you look at a dusting to perhaps an inch may fall which would finally get quite a few locations on the board for their first measurable snowfall of the season.
  15. Getting 60mph winds here now, highest winds of the event. Visibility is actually down to a few miles from all the dust blowing in from out west.
  16. The high of 75 at MLI beat the old record of 57 by 18 degrees lol. Also, they are still 63 at midnight, just as CAA has commenced, but still good enough for another record high beating 60 degrees from 1939.
  17. Wow, Redwood Falls MN reporting 78mph winds with heavy snow 1/4 mile vis. They were in the 50s a few hours ago. Marshalltown IA ASOS gusted to 81mph about an hour ago. This is the most impressive synoptic wind event I've ever seen in my years, for the midwest. I was thinking the Nov 98 event was tops, but this one definitely takes it.
  18. Wind with the line of rain showers that just came through was actually lighter than the 50-55mph southerlies before it lol. Kind of a letdown, but glad in a way. Already got enough sticks and branches to pick up tomorrow. Picked up 0.04" of rain.
  19. Winds pushing 55mph here over past few mins. Still a bit till line gets here.
  20. Ottumwa ASOS just gusted to 82mph. Gusts pushing 50mph here now.
  21. New all-time December record at MLI of 75 which shatters the old 71 record from Dec 4 1998. Hit 73 here. Incredible out there today.
  22. Record high for the day at MLI already broken. Old record was 59, and it's already 62 there. All-time record already only 9 degrees away from tying.
  23. New Euro less ominous than previous runs for the DVN area. 50-55mph wind gusts for most of the cwa, with the highest gusts to near 60 out in the northwest cwa. Perhaps a shift more towards what the high-res models have been advertising all along, a further northwest position of higher winds. The enthusiast part of me wants the GFS 70mph+ winds to verify, but the homeowner part of me is kind of hoping the high-res/new Euro model solutions pan out lol.
  24. Insanity. 8" of snow on the ground with 5% tornado probs. Not to keep ripping on Broyles but wonder what he thinks of this outlook lmao.
  25. That is insane. We've had many 60+mph gradient wind events over the years. The event in November 98 was probably the most impressive one that I've experienced, and there were gusts pushing 70mph with that. If we can get above 70mph with this that's extremely impressive. The GFS is downright scary to be sure. High-res models continue to be less ominous, with the highest winds generally staying well northwest of the DVN/LOT cwas other than the brief window with the precip/fropa.
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