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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Tonight's wave was a bust. Picked up nothing.
  2. Not to be negative, but verbatim I'm not a big fan of that northeast/southwest tilted zone of heavy convection in the warm sector. Many times it seems to cause the cold sector zone of precip to underperform. Long way to go so maybe that won't be as much of an issue in the future. That being said, it's great to have another system to track already.
  3. Solid performer here as we finished just under 4" (3.8"). Was raining on me as I was blowing the drive off a little bit ago.
  4. 12z HRRR dumps 4-5" over the QCA and holds off the changeover to mix/rain till early afternoon. Some other guidance has bumped QPF and delayed the changeover as well, so I'm thinking 3-5" looks pretty good for a call around here.
  5. I'll go with 2-3" for here tomorrow. Prob a little less for QC. Should rip for awhile in the morning. Any delay in changeover could bump amounts some so a bit tricky.
  6. Ended up with 0.41" last night/early this morning. Nice little hailer came through with some nice thunder around 1am. Pea-sized hail I guess, I didn't get out of bed to look at it lol.
  7. No hail here but some decent lightning and thunder, and a few very brief downpours. Picked up 0.18".
  8. Hoping for a little late December thunder this evening.
  9. Bump. Still a long ways to go, but if this New year's snowstorm comes to fruition how ironic is that? All-time Dec max followed by New Years snowstorm. Let's do it.
  10. Nice rates for a period it looks like. Future runs should be fun to watch come in.
  11. Dammit you beat me before I could fix my screwup lol. Got it fixed.
  12. Figured it'd be fun to guess what ORD will end up with given such a slow start.
  13. Looks like LOT will finally get on the board Tuesday (28th) with a little front-end snow before changing to rain. Prob a DAB, but if the changeover holds off long enough perhaps an inch or two? Down this way the period of snow/sleet/frz rain looks shorter, but still could get a DAB/very minor glaze before light rain/dry slot arrives.
  14. MLI ended up hitting 64, so just 1 degree from tying. Hit 59 here.
  15. Another 60+ day in the books at MLI. Up to 61 now, only 4 degrees from the record.
  16. That's pretty impressive/depressing. This is starting to get pretty crazy now, as usually if a location is in futility at this point in the season it's sort of an area that has been getting screwed. This futility is very widespread this season. The areas not in futility are actually in the minority it would seem.
  17. DVN and MLI both at 0.3" for the season, and Dubuque with 0.2" so far. Feeling quite fortunate to be up at a lofty 0.5" lol.
  18. 42 confirmed naders in Iowa alone now. Broyles general thunder (sub-marginal) day3 outlook looking like the poorest outlook of all time.
  19. That's one of maybe a handful of events of any type that I'd love to go back and live again. That blizzard was badass!
  20. It's definitely looking pretty active next week. Wave after wave traverses the country/sub with a very nice baroclinic zone for these waves to feast on. Right now the models mostly favor the north/northwestern portion of the sub, but wouldn't take much for things to bump south a bit and give more of us white rather than wet. At least it's not boring split flow, or dry northwest flow or something, at least there's something to watch.
  21. Man u guys have better memories than I do lol
  22. I don't remember him posting anything close to ban worthy in here so hard to imagine him doing that in other subs. Hmm.
  23. Would have sucked if a random sleet storm hit and dropped a tenth of that since it counts as snow lol.
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