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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. The corridor the Euro smashes is overdue to be sure, so that is nice to see. Definitely gonna be painful to miss the best event of the season so far though, if Euro solution works out.
  2. He's still around, posted a week or so ago when Toronto got blitzed.
  3. Speaking of old posters, whatever happened to Baroclinic Instability? He was a big part of the disco back in the GHD1 era.
  4. Crazy how acclimated to the cold one gets. Just stepped out a bit ago and it felt almost nice out there with temps in the mid 20s lol. A few flurries blowing around under the street lights. Will finish January with 12.0" of snow for the season. Let's see if we can double that or more in Feb.
  5. Yeah was thinking that this morning how if we had deeper fresh cover it'd prob made a run at -20. Have about 2-3" of crust and about 1/2" of fresher powder on top. Hit -14 here.
  6. That oughta slow down the site a bit. Board crasher incoming lol.
  7. Tough conditions out in central Iowa tonight. North wind at 600kts bumping the wind chill down to -93 at Webster City.
  8. Down to -8 here. Should bottom out between -13 and -17.
  9. 0.5" this morning. Combined with 0.2" Sat night finished clipper trio with 0.7", and up to 12.0" for the season.
  10. Lol with tonight's 0.2" we're at 11.5" for the season. Definitely better than you guys up in Chi-town but areas just west of here have done better. DVN just west of here has over 14", and Hawkeye/CR crew has 16"+, with a warning criteria event. I really feel bad for the downstate IL crew, and also the majority of IN. Those areas are completely missing out on even these little wussy events that people like me are getting pissy about. This sub really needs a widespread spread-the-wealth storm in Feb.
  11. You are either a complete moron, or you are doing this on purpose to exclude 50% of the sub with these graphics that only show areas south of I-80. Either way you should be banned as this has been an ongoing issue with you for the past few years. Go **** yourself.
  12. I'm ready for Spring. Bring on fishing, golfing, thunder, getting bit by mosquitoes. Tracking underachieving POS winter systems is already getting old lol.
  13. DVN forecaster doubled down earlier this eve, and that resulted in an epic fail. Appreciate the enthusiasm though.
  14. Thermal ridge is def the most interesting aspect of this little system for us. Temp is up to 30 here, a 13 degree jump from earlier this eve. Just 20 miles sw MLI is at 36.
  15. Light snow the past hour or so, got a few tenths looks like.
  16. Sky is getting much brighter now as ceilings lower, think we're getting closer to top-down saturation. Was 17 earlier this eve, but has bumped up to 23. EDIT: First flakes now coming down
  17. Ripping virga atm. Nice surface thermal ridge out in IA, with 40 in Ames and just a few county tiers north in Mason City it's 12 degrees.
  18. Another tick north on the latest Euro. Fits the pattern of every system this year, QPF dwindles in the final 24-36hrs before the event. In this case it's just a shifting of the storm track. Looks better for Rockford/Chicago peeps though. For the rest of the winter I'll just take whatever the models are showing at ~24-30hrs out and assume we'll get 40-60% of whatever they're showing at that time frame and that should be fairly accurate.
  19. 1-3 still looks on tap tomorrow night, although models have bumped a bit northeast the past few runs. Hopefully no more bumps northeast with tomorrow night's, as the Mon system is out of reach for this area.
  20. -10 here this morning which ties coldest of season so far. Last night's Euro showed -teens here next Wed.
  21. 2-3" of fresh powder looking likely for the QCA with the Saturday night clipper. The Monday one looks to mostly miss northeast.
  22. Already at the point forecast low of -6 here. Looks like we may have a shot at beating our previous coldest temp of the season tonight which is -10.
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