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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah the clipper pattern mostly covers northeast half of sub, southwest half: crickets.
  2. Had a few flurries yesterday. -2 this morning, 11th below zero day of the season. Tomorrow we poke above freezing. Time to get rid of this mangy crust.
  3. Despite little in the way of snow the past few weeks we've done a pretty nice job of maintaining what we have received, as we've had at least an inch of snow on the ground since around New Years. Have about 2ish inches of mangy crust out there, with a little fresher powder on top.
  4. Just read up a good chunk of the Nov 25-26 2018 storm thread. Reading/reminiscing that event was a nice dose of medicine to take some of the sting away from being skirted by GHD3. Nice to have those old event threads to look back on and read up on.
  5. Event map from DVN. Pretty sharp cutoff pretty much as modeled.
  6. Finished with 0.5" here. MLI 0.8", DVN had 0.1".
  7. Looks like benign weather to continue through at least mid Feb. With just 26 days left of met winter (it'll be <15 days left by then) I'm ready to put this pos winter behind us and move on to spring.
  8. Cloudy with a stiff northwest breeze here. Looks like maybe a shot at some light snow later tonight depending on which model you look at. Could get up to an inch or two if we get really lucky, but a complete shutout is entirely possible.
  9. With the Nov '18 storm we had moderate to heavy rain that added up to 0.50" before it changed to snow and piled up a foot.
  10. Me looking at the latest guidance. Enjoy the storm fellas!
  11. 06z HRRR. So close, yet so far away lol.
  12. If forecast models had mascots, this would be the NAM's.
  13. For those of us that are missing the storm this week unfortunately it looks like crickets around here through about Feb 10th. Hopefully the 2nd half of Feb brings something meaningful.
  14. I'll go with 1-3" for here/QC. Might get shutout completely, but I'll be 'optimistic' lol.
  15. For this area nice to see some bumps northward with today's runs. After yesterday's big shift south getting a few inches of fresh powder out of this would feel like a win.
  16. Yeah I'm throwing the towel for here for anything more than a minor event. Still a ways to go but looks like a St. Louis to Toledo type of event. They've paid their dues and sat on the sidelines the past few months so at least our sacrifice will be for the better good lol. Hopefully we get a heart attack cement storm for the ages in March.
  17. Other than the big system that looks to mostly miss (at this point) just south, it's looking pretty quiet around here through the first 10 days of Feb. Euro shows clipper action staying well north. We may be riding our 12.0" season total deep into Feb unless the big system next week bumps back north, or the series of clippers after that bumps south. This winter seems to be flying by..
  18. Times like this I miss the old days when wagons north in the final few days was seemingly common for the dogs lol. I would rather see it slowly slip away like it's doing now 3-4 days out rather than yanked out from us near showtime like so many times in the recent past.
  19. The op Euro has been terrible lately, at least for this area. Did quite bad with the clipper train last week. Maybe it just sucks with clippers and does better with the bigger systems like what we're tracking here. Either way I'm sort of pissed off at it atm lol.
  20. Will be interesting to see if and how much the EPS shifts south here shortly.
  21. Luckily we have the 00Z ICON's rain/snow line up around the Kenosha WI area to help balance out the UK/ECMWF lol.
  22. Yeah good point. Nice to see it's not a strung out pos that's shifted south like so many times in the recent past lol.
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