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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Kind of wish we could go for futility records at this point, but unfortunately we've already exceeded them. Prob nickel and dime to a 15-20" pos'er lol.
  2. I'm actually glad this one broke the trend and didn't trend southeast. Def don't want all that ice that southern WI/northeast IA appears will get.
  3. Your summoning appears to have worked lol. I will have to try that next season.
  4. Great day to take down the remaining outdoor xmas lights. A bit windy, but I was on the sheltered side of the house. Up to 51 here, 54 at MLI/DVN. Sioux City torching at 65!
  5. Can definitely see how the snowfield downstate is impacting today's temps.
  6. You can tell the sun is already getting stronger. Even though it only made it to 23 today, the full sun melted off most of the 0.8" that fell last evening in areas that weren't shaded. Looking forward to the 50s tomorrow. EDIT: May make another run at 60 tomorrow upon further look. Record is 74 though, so we'll be far from that. That 74 happened back in the great Feb torch of '17. Can't believe that's been 5 years ago already.
  7. Yep, looks like a rainer Tues, followed by another miss southeast with this storm lol.
  8. Well that was fun, picked up 0.8" of snow here in about 55 minutes. Snow was finely granulated which cut down on ratios. Flake size near the end became much larger, and thus visibility actually improved quite a bit in the final 10 mins of snow. Def the best event of Feb for the QCA.
  9. Looking pretty legit out there. Vis def under a half mile, with the new dusting of snow whipping around pretty good.
  10. Pixies/mist with the leading edge of the squall that just hit here. Getting windy.
  11. Kind of reminds me of the Feb 2003 event.
  12. Nice view from space of the fresh snow swath from yesterday.
  13. Haha yeah. Kind of like when the Bears are getting blown out and then score a worthless TD in garbage time/near end of game.
  14. Seeing the same people who just got pounded a few weeks ago making rejoiceful posts in the current thread while we get scraps, yet again lol...
  15. Picked up 0.2" here, and also at MLI. DVN a T.
  16. Switching to freezing rain here now with the temp down to 32. Picked up 0.45" of rain this eve.
  17. The difference between the GFS from the 00z 48hours ago is beyond lol worthy. Wow.
  18. 0.36" rain so far, temp down to 35. Already a more valuable system than GHD3 was for here lol. Nice to get some moisture.
  19. Torched pretty nicely today. MLI tied the record high with 60, hit 57 here. Have picked up 0.13" of rain so far here.
  20. First/last call here <1". At least we'll (hopefully) finally breach the seasonal 13" mark.
  21. That last system was one of the worst to endure for me personally lol. From several days out could kind of see the writing on the wall and it looked like we'd get narrowly missed, but the fact that it was such widespread event made missing it worse. Then to top it off there was nothing else to look at in the 10 day period, brutal. Getting grazed by this weeks storm sucks, but doesn't bother me even close to as bad as GHD3.
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