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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Nice. Haven't had a drop yet here, but the tradeoff is it's warmed up nicely with the sun mixed in. Up to 68 now, MLI prob at 70 by now. Not expecting a whole lot of QPF this evening since the precip will be hauling pretty quickly, but hopefully can squeeze out some thunder and a good downpour.
  2. Looks like a 2-3" event since it will fall at night. Most of it will be toast by end of day Tuesday.
  3. Already 63 here just after 11am, MLI at 66. Should easily make the low 70s a bit later on.
  4. Been using 93 the past few years (tuned Ecoboost F-150), but I took the tune out and will be using 87 until the prices come back down. Wouldn't have messed with it, but figured the prices will go up even more for awhile, unfortunately.
  5. Wind advisory criteria looks possible over northern IL Sat evening ahead of the incoming CF. Many models show gusts over 40mph. 3km NAM has 50-60kts at the top of the mixed layer immediately behind the front over the DVN cwa later Sat evening, so 50mph gusts behind the front look possible as well.
  6. RGEM says get the suntan oil ready cause we're heading to the pool on Saturday.
  7. 66 at MLI today, 59 here. Should hit 70 Saturday as long as clouds don't coc k block too badly.
  8. MLI really torched today and made 63. Hit 55 here. Lots of people out walking, spring is in the air.
  9. Looking forward to some Iowa sloppy seconds Saturday night. New SPC day 5 has central IA outlooked for severe. May make a run at 60 today, and should easily be in the 60s tomorrow. May make a run at 70 Saturday with more humidity.
  10. Last night's 2.2" of snow made for the 3rd highest snow event of the season, and brought us up to an even 16" for the season. DVN/MLI are at 17.7/17.5 for the season. They're both a bit ahead of here because they benefited a bit more from that straight south moving/weird clipper earlier in the season.
  11. Dubuque picked up over 5" today, so they've jumped to over 20" for the season now.
  12. Got over 2" here with over 1.5" the past 2 hours.
  13. Yeah it's like feathers. Def north of 20:1 LSR.
  14. Wow what a difference with this band. Picked up over a half inch in past half hour.
  15. lol. Just the casual 0.05"/hr rates. I'm sure Bo is prob jealous.
  16. Been snowing for 8.5hrs, up to 0.4" now. For the first time flakes other than pixie dust are falling. Enhanced band moving in now.
  17. How much snow have you had up there? Had about 14" here so far not counting what's coming from the current storm. Dubuque only at 15.5" or something. Looks like Rockford below 15" as well. Just a sad, sad winter lol.
  18. Pixies most of the afternoon. Maybe a few tenths so far.
  19. Call looking money. Gonna have to "ALEK" more often lol.
  20. Forgot to mention I saw two robins bouncing around in the backyard yesterday. Looked like they were hunting for worms, but with the ground frozen I'm guessing it was an exercise in futility.
  21. Picked up 0.35" of rain today. Did hear thunder for the first time this year which was nice.
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