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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Even with temps well below freezing most of the snow melted today. Looks very quiet for the next 10 days or so. Time to go on daffodil watch with the warmer temps on the way. They should start knifing through the top soil in the next 10 days.
  2. Kankakee is the new Mt. Geos for sure this winter.
  3. 1.3" here today. Snowed pretty nicely most of the afternoon.
  4. Yeah it was so bad it was kind of surprising when NCEP was like, welp here you go anyway. Kind of like if Ford knows that some of their new Lightning pickup trucks could possibly spontaneously burst into flames and then still release to the dealers for sale.
  5. I drove around after work and found some areas where the trees were twisted up and broke, and several farm fields had sheet metal and other debris strewn over them. There's some very large fields with very little trees for long stretches otherwise there may have been a lot more damage to look at.
  6. Close call here the other night I guess lol. DVN found an Ef-1 had tracked pretty close to town.
  7. Word has it the folks at the Farmer's Almanac have taken over full duty in GFS programming and product development.
  8. Finished with a lowly 1.5" so up to 17.5" now.
  9. Snowing hard here, and closing in on an inch or so. Dry slot already almost here which will give us a 3-5hr break with nothing. May pick up another inch with the daybreak wave of wussy snows. Looks like finishing 21/22 winter below 20" is a lock.
  10. lol thanks. I like that color palette.
  11. In sort of a mini-screw zone (perfect for this winter) with snow streaking up northwest and east of us. Still waiting on the first flake. Thank god this pos winter is almost finished.
  12. DVN confirmed 3 birdfart naders so far. The Des Moines office has confirmed 3 so far, including an EF-3, but they will be adding many more in coming days.
  13. Liowa is trying to lose it's rep in the chase community between the Dec event and yesterday's.
  14. Looks like the NAMs stopped trolling as badly as they were. Looks like a nice little 2-3" of temporary cover on the way for the QCA.
  15. Finished with 0.25" rain, but guessing we probably got a few tenths more than that since we had sideways rain for several minutes with the high winds.
  16. It's pretty fortunate such a widespread high wind event hit while the trees are still bare.
  17. That's okay, I said we'd be getting Iowa sloppy seconds a few days ago lol.
  18. Rockford ASOS hit 81mph awhile ago, and Sugar grove 72mph.
  19. Well that was impressive to say the least. Easily the best storm since the derecho in '20. Can't tell for sure how high they got due to heavy rain and it being night, but weather station 5ft off the ground hit 64mph, so guessing we had 70+mph winds. The roar reminded me of the derecho. Wow.
  20. Kind of weird being under a tornado warning when it's only 58 degrees outside lol. Phone and city nader sirens have been going off. Storm is almost here.
  21. Nice sups out in IA today. The ones that are warned down by Lamoni look pretty sweet as well, too bad they're far from the 88D sites though.
  22. New record high today at MLI of 70, hit 69 here. Some nice CGs to the northwest a bit ago from these elevated cells moving through.
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