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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Wet flakes mixing in with the light rain the past hour. Picked up 0.09" of rain so far.
  2. I'm hoping ORD can somehow get 2.5" so my guess in the poll thread is correct lol. High-res models have ptype bouncing back and forth between rain and snow here, so doubt we'll see much stick unless we get heavy burst.
  3. Had some snow pellets yesterday afternoon. 70 Thursday, and then low 80s Fri-Sun according to the Euro. The trees are mostly just budded so they will likely explode with green by next weekend.
  4. I guess much like how we have two Novembers we're going to start having a second March every year as well. Looks like another 5 days of crappy cool weather before the warmth arrives by later next week, hopefully to mostly stay...finally.
  5. Was 66 around 11am. Down to 38 now with cold rain. Picked up 0.70" today so far. Really greening up now finally.
  6. Think we'll still make 70 here Wed around midday before the front hits. Dews in the 60s will make it feel very springlike. The past few days have been pretty nice with mid 60s, although yesterday's 40mph winds cut into that a bit.
  7. Must be making up for the two Novembers we have, since winter doesn't usually show up until about Dec 28th lol.
  8. Picked up 0.1" of snow early this morning. Snowed most of the day but didn't stick. Our 3-day stretch of 70s next Mon-Wed has now been reduced to just Wed on new Euro, with Mon/Tue staying pretty chilly. Then several more days of cold to follow.
  9. If the GFS predicted that the sun will rise tomorrow I wouldn't believe it.
  10. Picked up 0.49" last night/early this morning. We're definitely behind on the greening up this year. Most lawns are still brown/dormant. Only the early budding trees have swollen buds, many still have buds the size they were in January. Need some prolonged warmth to kick in to finally get things going. The 3-day string of 70s Mon-Wed should help.
  11. Looking forward to the 70s Mon-Wed, and springlike humidity Wednesday. 12z Euro pretty ominous at first glance for severe Wed over a good chunk of the sub.
  12. Just had a burst of very large flakes mixing in right before the precip shutoff. Hopefully the last flakes till Fall. Finished with 0.37" or cold rain.
  13. Had some wet flakes mixing in about a half hour ago. Picked up 0.30" of rain so far.
  14. Cold rain and 35, with the rain snow line missing about 20 miles to the north. If this weren't April it'd be kind of irritating, but it does go along with how the winter has gone.
  15. Yeah 11/12 and 15/16 both failed to reach 20". We've had some pretty terrible winters the past decade, but a few have been great. I feel we really paid our dues this winter and mother nature owes us big time next season lol. I'm sure that's how that works, right?
  16. Yeah I'm ready for spring, so under 20" is fine with me. Both DVN and MLI breached the 20" mark, as they did better than here with that bizarre north to south clipper back in January or February.
  17. Ended up with 0.70" total as the deformation precip exploded overhead last night. Also picked up 0.3" of wet snow, which was enough to bump us over the 19" mark for the season.
  18. ORD at 32.4", with maybe a little bit to add tomorrow or Thursday? Looks like the 8"+ storm will be a no, unless something crazy happens later in April.
  19. Haha yeah I just felt like lashing out at ol ma nature lol.
  20. We're at 18.8". Around 35" is average for this area. No warning criteria event, no-show December until near the end (again), an excruciatingly near miss with the event of the season followed by 12+ days of no weather to track, and seemingly every event taking a turn for the worse on the models in the last 12-36hrs before the event made this about as bad as winter as one can expect. I guess if we got less than 18.8" it would have been worse, but since nearly 9" of that seasonal total happened within a weeks time (around New Years) the rest of the winter we received about 10".
  21. Picked up 0.85" here. Had some pretty close thunder yesterday morning. We're definitely off to a great start with thunderstorms this year, especially compared to last year lol.
  22. Heaviest snowfall event this season was 5.0" on Jan 1st. Heaviest last season was 6.3" on Jan 25-26th 2021, and the heaviest the previous season was 4.8" on Jan 17-18th 2020. The previous two seasons had seasonal totals of 37.5"/34.7" which is above average. We are long overdue for a medium to big dog though, we've been skirted the past 3 winters now.
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