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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. lol, indeed. Unlike last weekend when the neighborhood was alive with people outdoors doing their thang, this weekend it's like a ghost town. The only sound you hear is the roaring of the wind through the mostly bare trees. Good day to binge on the finale of Ozark I guess lol.
  2. Great start to May! Heavy overcast, 30mph winds again, and afternoon temps in the 40s.
  3. Lame system for this area as expected. Picked up 0.06 last night, zero today. Made it to 75 today which was nice.
  4. That nasty cold air from northeast IL is ripping in here on 30mph east winds. Was 56 at 3pm, but has dropped back to 46. EDIT: And 25 min later down to 43. Sheesh.
  5. Think it's pretty much safe to say that the current seasonal total at ORD of 32.8" will hold and be the final tally. Congrats to the following 10 peeps for guessing the correct amount range of 30.1-35.0"... @Chicago916 @michsnowfreak @Hoosier @Snowstorms @thomp2mp @Baum @weatherbo @Stebo @mimillman @TheClimateChanger For the 2nd question ORD failed to breach the 8" snowstorm mark. Out of the 10 members who guessed the correct seasonal snowfall range, only one member guessed NO for a 8" snowfall, and a big congrats to @TheClimateChanger for guessing that right, so you are the champion of the POLL thread. Thanks to everyone who participated.
  6. We had a pretty impressive tornado outbreak in the DVN cwa in late July of '95. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/current/mcview.phtml?prod=comprad&java=script&mode=archive&frames=100&interval=5&year=1995&month=7&day=27&hour=15&minute=15
  7. 32 here this morning. Winds stayed frisky through sunrise otherwise temps would have been deep into the 20s.
  8. Yeah we had a freeze on May 8th last year, and a hard freeze on May 9th in 2020. Winter shows up late and doesn't want to let go till mid May is the new norm.
  9. We already had some fun here back in March, so I'm good with getting skipped over to be sure. I will say though it's amazing how many events seem to blow up in the west half of Iowa only to crap the bed by the time it reaches the Mississippi. Seems like most of our meaningful severe doesn't come from the big synoptic systems which seem to skip over us, and more from the ROF summer MCS type events. Probably why long-track strong to violent tors pretty much never happen in the DVN cwa, which is a good thing. This area does quite well though with bird fart QLCS one scan wonders. Good stat padders, and keeps the DVN survey crew busy lol.
  10. Just 4 days ago we were in the midst of a 7 day stretch of days where it could only get as warm as 51 degrees, and here we sit at nearly midnight at 72 degrees lol. MLI ended up hitting 85 today.
  11. 84 at MLI so far, hit 83 here. Getting 40-45mph southerly wind gusts.
  12. Looks like the dvn cwa is sitting this one out lol. Good timing with no radar this week at least.
  13. Just came back from the QC. Vehicle thermometer crashed from near 70 back down to 57 here. Warm front is about 5 miles to the south atm. Should blast through here sometime shortly, and we may make a run at 70 before midnight. Looks like mid 80s tomorrow with strong winds. Everyone and their dog will be out tomorrow enjoying the warmth after such a long and ghastly stretch of weather, barring this past Thursday of course.
  14. Nice soakers today, picked up almost 2". Pushing 5" for the month. Had 50-55mph southeasterly winds at work for about 15min around 3pm. Was pretty wild out there.
  15. Time to take the cover off the ol' AC.
  16. 69 here today, 72 at MLI, 69 or 70 at DVN depending how it rounds. Felt fantastic after the previous 7 days.
  17. Looking forward to more Iowa sloppy seconds Sat night.
  18. The past 7 days the max temp has been 51 degrees lol, just awful. Today's 70 will feel fantastic though.
  19. 0.68" here today. Friday looks to be a real battleground for temps in the DVN cwa. Good chance places north of I-80 stay in the 50s, while in the southern cwa temps will be in the 80s.
  20. Hopefully the trees will be fully leafed out by the 4th of July lol.
  21. The winter that won't end. The Euro has turned our 80 on Friday into low 60s, and now has 40s for highs again next Tue and Wed. It'll damn near be May by then lol.
  22. All snow here the past hour or so, but too light to stick.
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