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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. DVN hit 91 today, 90 at MLI. Looks like a good chance for storms late tomorrow.
  2. I figured it would have given you Broyles email address.
  3. Got another 0.37" today. Most of the area corn is up to about 6" or so. It'll really take off later this weekend when next heatwave arrives.
  4. Was hoping to see this Instead we got this Think a slight risk is warranted over much of IL and parts of IN.
  5. And real winter starts a bit more than 7 months from now (Dec 29th)
  6. Gravity waves from the deep convection down in MO and AR last evening. Pretty cool. Sioux City got down to at least 32 this morning.
  7. Thundering. Nice broken line of elevated storms popping a bit to the southeast of here. EDIT: Great light show in eastern sky. Lots of loud thunder
  8. Good thing Broyles is finally off duty otherwise there'd be a 90% hatched tor high risk.
  9. Denver hit 88 today, and winter storm warning tomorrow night for 8"+ snow. What's even more interesting is they have 85 in the point for next Thursday lol. Summer, snowstorm, and then summer again.
  10. Looks like Broyles 10% hatched nader over IA didn't quite pan out lol.
  11. Mid-upper 80s today, 70s tomorrow, and then a stretch of several days of 50s and 60s for highs. After the long and cold stretch earlier this spring that would normally be kind of annoying, but after that 4-day stretch of intense heat I'm fairly okay with it.
  12. If that would have hit in mid July we'd have seen some very impressive temps. I'm thinking 105/80 type stuff.
  13. MLI tried to make it a 5th day in a row AOA 90, but got eight niner'ed.
  14. Yeah, a solid performer. Picked up 1.25" of rain so far. Had hail falling for over 15 mins, mostly peas with a period of nickels. Lots of leaf pieces on the ground from the hail hitting the new tender leaves. Down to a refreshing 66 degrees after hitting 96 earlier.
  15. lol yeah it actually feels noticeably better today with the lower dews combined with much more wind. The lawn must be seriously pissed off for getting such a late start in growing this season, as it has grown about 6" in the past 3 days.
  16. DVN hit at least 96, both MLI and here 95, with another record high for MLI. Heat index only topped out at 101 here.
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