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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Already a broad area of rotation on that large Elgin sup. Tops over 54kft now as well.
  2. Those storms are already getting that look to them. If I was chasing I'd want to be on them very shortly.
  3. Dew hit 80 earlier, also at MLI. Temps only made it to 93 though at both locations as clouds obstructed the max potential.
  4. Yeah interesting setup. Two MCVs heading on what looks like a collision course. Should make for a pretty interesting storm complex later today as it bends southeastward. Dew at 54 atm.
  5. Dew has dropped 13 degrees from earlier, down to 59 now. Very dry air up in northeastern IL with most locations in the 40s. May dip into the lower 50s here later tonight. We could see dews go from the low 50s around sunrise to near 80 by early to mid afternoon. Incredible change.
  6. Think we have a great shot at hitting 100 not only Tue, but Wed now as well. Euro has backed off on the cloud potential Wed for this region, and it could end up being as hot as Tue. Dews look like they'll only be in the upper 60s/low 70s, which should make the run at 100 more doable. Tomorrow may have the highest heat index though, with 96-98 type temps, and dews AOA 75.
  7. Didn't realize it was going to be so humid here today. Dews have been in the 72-73 range. Much drier air blows in from northeast IL this evening, but the high humidity quickly springs back in tomorrow.
  8. Whoever is supposed to draw the map musta got caught in traffic on lunch
  9. Yeah not sure why we are in it, gonna be hot and capped here. Not a very good day2 for DVN area to be sure. Sunny and 95+ here, with distant anvils on northeast horizon.
  10. Nice lightning display this evening. Picked up 0.16" here. Down in the QC many areas picked up a quick half inch to inch of rain along with 40-50mph winds/pea hail.
  11. There's been some indication that clouds could co ck block max heat potenial here in western IL Wed. Hot temps are for sure, but making it beyond the mid 90s is still in question. Tuesday looks like our best shot at 100 here in the QCA, although even Monday could make 97-99.
  12. DVN has already been at 97 this year, and here and at MLI we've hit 96. This doesn't look as exciting as it would be given we've already had some intense heat, so the only thing that will be of excitement is if we can make triple digits this time.
  13. Dews shoot from the 40s to the mid 70s here Monday morning on the 12z Euro. That's pretty impressive.
  14. Despite the lack of heat lately it's growing pretty quickly. Most fields have it at over a foot tall. The regular rains are helping. I'd say it's been an ideal growing season so far except for the slight delay in planting early on due to cold temps. We had dews in the 75-77 range in May so an 80+ dew wouldn't shock me at this point.
  15. 0.28" from a few nice downpours this morning, up to 1.80" already for June. Cleared off and turned into a great afternoon/evening. You'd never have known it was dark and stormy this morning.
  16. Nice soakers this afternoon with some severe-warned action. Picked up 1.45" with most of that falling with this afternoon's storms.
  17. Looks like a tremendous stretch of weather for the next 8+ days. Mostly 70s with dews mostly in the 50s. That stretch of mid 90s and 100+ heat indices back in early May was enough to satisfy my appetite for heat for quite awhile.
  18. If there's gonna be a non-birdfart/QLCS nader in the DVN area chances are it'll be withing 50 miles of Macomb.
  19. Storm setup fail here this eve, but was nice to hear thunder for about a half hour.
  20. Pretty typical for our region. Plains get blasted with severe, and then the zombievection and leftover clouds co ck block the setup the next day in our region. Pretty much just come to expect it lol. Bring on the mid-summer ROF nocturnal extravaganza pleeze.
  21. Picked up 0.04" of rain earlier today. New storms are beginning to pop near the area. Got lucky here with a severe storm back on March 5th with 70mph winds and a tor a few miles north, and then a nearly-severe storm a few weeks back with 0.75" hail. We're doing pretty good compared to this time last year to be sure.
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