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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Nice soaker here and in the QC. Picked up 1.02" here, with over 2" for parts of the QC. Had some nice soaking downpours with lots of thunder. AC getting a nice break today as temps are near 70. Gonna be working overtime tomorrow.
  2. Dark as twilight out there right now with thunder growing louder. Heavy rains about to move in.
  3. Always nice to be within the slight risk in the SPC outlook 3 days in a row.
  4. Looks like some decaying Iowa sloppy seconds this morning, a miss northeast this evening with the main event, and then very hot tomorrow. Prob another 96-98 for the area, with 110 heat indicies.
  5. Locally we've had some fun back in early March, and a nice hailer in May, but overall the region has been pretty slow this season. I don't think I've even bothered digging into any model data at all this whole year (for severe), other than a quick glance at the overall setup. It's just been very benign and uninteresting for the most part. This region is overdue for a widespread medium to high-end severe setup.
  6. Today makes #14 AOA 90 here. Last I looked MLI was a few ahead so they are prob 15-16ish. Next year we should have a poll for how many 89s at ORD and other sites lol
  7. 90 at MLI and also here today. Corn is 5-6ft tall in most fields now.
  8. 93 at Wilmar MN at 1:15am ob from heat burst. Very impressive winds associated with heat burst the past few hours up in that area, with one of the AWOS stations west of Wilmar hitting 75mph a bit earlier.
  9. Just heard first cicada. Think it's even earlier than last year.
  10. 89'd both here and MLI today. EDIT: Ended up tagging 90 here after all. MLI underachieved again. If MLI had the MDW sensor they would have prob hit 92 lol.
  11. Nice light show in the northern sky right now as the decaying Iowa sloppy seconds try to slink south into this area.
  12. The last 30 day precip totals show that areas from eastern IL up into lower MI have been getting left out on some of the better rain events.
  13. lol yep. <3 months till the date of the earliest measurable snowfall on record at MLI (Sep 25, 1942) so in theory it can snow in less than 3 months lol.
  14. The past few days have been about as perfect as can be, with mid-upper 70s, full sun, fresh breeze, and dews in the 50s. Got down to 52 here this morning. Days are getting shorter!
  15. Today's nearly 2" put us up to 4.12" for June. The dry period over the past 15+ days really didn't have much impact on the area corn crop. Most fields the corn is already waist high. Think with today's precip the area's crops are ensured to be about as good as they can be unless locusts or hail strike later this summer lol.
  16. Up to 1.94" from morning downpours. Still a shot at another round later today/this evening.
  17. Flash drought cancel. At least for most of the DVN cwa. Picked up 1.49" so far, with quite a bit still on the way it appears as the LLJ will continue to fire stuff this morning, and then another round later this afternoon.
  18. MLI underachieved today with a lowly 89. Hit 91 here.
  19. 92 today both here and at MLI. Doesn't feel too bad though with 60s dews.
  20. Severe warned cell died right before getting here but some nice thunder and light show. Got a few 40mph gusts and have cooled down considerably. Only gonna end up with a few hundreths of rain though.
  21. Sky dark to west, svr warning west of DVN. Hope we can muster a decent downpour before they crap the bed.
  22. TSA chasing him down one of the runways as he carries a propane torch
  23. 98 for a high at MLI today, but heat indices approached 110. Dews have been in the 72-74 range all day. Hit 97 here.
  24. St. Cloud MN still 91 at the midnight ob. No rest for the ACs up there tonight.
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