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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like we only picked up 0.09"
  2. Been in the 90s everyday down here in FL this week, with at least one storm per day. The lightning down here is nuts, even on the wussy storms.
  3. Watch out for all them Packer fans while you're up in cheeseland lol
  4. GFS gonna GFS. I trust tarot cards more than the GFS beyond 48hrs lol
  5. Just under an inch of rain today, up to 2.69" for July. Area corn and soybean harvest is going to be absolutely phenomenal.
  6. Nice little soaker ongoing here this morning, up to 0.60" so far.
  7. When Broyles takes over the day3-day8 stretch at SPC he digs in like an Alabama tick. Nothing but Broyles for weeks lol
  8. Gonna be in Florida all next week. Doesn't look like I'm gonna miss much around here, looking kind of quiet. Was hoping for maybe a little tropical activity down there, but looks pretty quiet there as well lol.
  9. Don't know for sure if I had it, but imagine I had to have at some point. Worked through the whole thing (not from home), and was around many others who officially tested positive within a short time of being near me.
  10. Yeah that one's looking like great time lapse material.
  11. Picked up 0.02" this morning from the decaying Iowa sloppy seconds. Nice light show driving in to work.
  12. Doesn't look like much in the way of rainfall the next 8-10 days. Glad we got ours when we did.
  13. Stepping out the door if the GFS is right
  14. Picked up 0.20". Absolutely dumped at work. You could def tell the PWs were way up there.
  15. I got the impression that Grand Rapids was in a major drought but according to that map they aren't even abnormally dry lol.
  16. Hopefully when the hi-res NGM comes out it is a big step forward.
  17. Did Geos sneak back into northeast IL?
  18. Nice stormy late evening as the remnant IA 'vection moved through. Picked up 0.47" here. Today's 97 made for the 15th day AOA 90 for the year here, and today was also the 15th day as well at MLI.
  19. Hit 97 both here and MLI today, about as expected. Heat index reached 115 here, and at least 114 at MLI. Dew hit 80 here for the 2nd day this year. DVN only got down to 80 early this morning. Low won't hold for calendar day though as outflow/precip will dip them well below that before midnight.
  20. As expected tonight's activity missed well northeast. SPC did a poor job yet again for the DVN area. I guess it's just habit and tradition to look at their page everyday, but it's almost as useless as the Farmer's Almanac these days. MLI still with a 92 degree heat index at midnight. If it weren't for the heavy rains today we may have had a shot at 100 tomorrow, but the wet soils may coc k block that potential. Another 97-98 on the way, meh.
  21. Been pretty impressed with the high-res Canadian model this year so far (HRDPS). From what I've seen it's handled convection better than the HRRR and NEST NAM.
  22. Dew up to 79 at MLI with 100 degree heat index. Big change from the early afternoon rain and low 70s.
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