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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. There's a report of 8" in Freeport IL. Nice soaker here this morning, picked up 1.22" and counting.
  2. Dew has been 80+ at MLI for the past 7 hours. The 2pm ob had 79, otherwise it would be 9hrs in a row.
  3. Dew hit 81 at MLI and 82 at Sterling. Corn crops are starting to show signs of losing green as we're getting to that point in the season. Corn evapotranspiration still in full force but it's going to drop off quite a bit going forward.
  4. This is the 4th day we've tagged 80 this year. June 13, July 5, July 23, and today. MLI has 3 80 degree dew days now. June 13, July 23, and today. They had 79 dew July 4th. The dew of 73 combined with 96 temp back on May 11 is probably the most impressive stat though. Getting a temp that high that early is tough, but simultaneous with dews that high was insane.
  5. Dewpoint up to 80 with a heat index of 111 atm here. It'd be even worse if these clouds weren't around to keep temps in the lower 90s.
  6. I'm going with 105 in Cedar Rapids.
  7. Interesting. You made me check ours and have the same result. Had 4 AOA 90 degree days in May, and 3 in July.
  8. Still 87 degrees with 93 heat index at 1am in Des Moines.
  9. Heat indices still in the upper 90s to near 100 from central MN into western WI as of 10pm which is pretty impressive. Lawn has really browned up over the past few weeks. Looks like tomorrow's rains will skip over this area. The mower is going to get a good long break it appears. Luckily the area crops have had a great growing season up until recently, so the ongoing dry spell shouldn't matter at all at this late in the growing season.
  10. Got Frostferned here, 0.00" this morning lol.
  11. Might as well paste December in there as well lol.
  12. Bigtime training going on this evening down by Effingham IL. Up to 8" in spots, with the train still rolling.
  13. Not shut out here, picked up 0.01" lol. MLI cashed in with 0.87".
  14. Yeah the Euro is doing pretty bad with temp forecasts. GFS must be rubbing off on it lol. After several heat waves of respectable intensity it's disappointing to not get a 100. All in all looking like a forgettable summer with no 100 degree heat and pretty lame stormwise as well.
  15. The Euro has 8 days in a row AOA 90 for this area starting on Monday. With it really drying out over the past 2-3 weeks I'd say our chances at hitting 100 are a little better than the earlier heat waves when soils were wetter.
  16. Got down to 52 this morning here, taste of Fall.
  17. Will finish July with 3.12". MLI <3", but DVN had over 4".
  18. Meh, prob more 95-97 for MLI lol. Best heat event of the year by far was in mid May for the DVN cwa.
  19. Yeah pretty top shelf weather to be sure.
  20. Back home. As expected didn't miss much, picked up 0.45" rain Fri-Sat.
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