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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. We had a massive mosquito invasion after our 2 incher last week so get ready lol.
  2. Nice thunderheads billowed up all over the sky earlier. Each updraft had a blocky lowering beneath. You could tell the atmosphere had some mojo.
  3. The MCV over southeast IA this morning started as far back as the eastern OK panhandle.
  4. You can tell the good folks at DVN are bored to tears lol.
  5. Looks like a tropical storm traversing the Dakotas this afternoon.
  6. Nice soaker early this morning with some house shaking thunder. Picked up 2.03" bringing us to a little over 5.5" for Aug.
  7. Garbage trees, should have never been planted in residential setting.
  8. Another nice downpour, up to 0.95 for today, 1.13" since last evening. Always nice to see this out the front door.
  9. Just had a quick hitting downpour that quickly dropped another 0.36". Up to 0.54" since last evening. 3.01" for Aug now.
  10. 0.18" rain this evening. Bigtime flash flooding west of Muscatine where over 8" probably fell near Conesville.
  11. Vinyl siding will be deemed unacceptable by building codes, as it shall melt in the sweltering summer heat.
  12. I remember '88 well, it was the hottest summer by far that I've experienced. '12 gave it a good run. Guess I don't sense the mean very well, as it doesn't seem like it's gotten any warmer at all since I was a youngin'.
  13. That would be a fun one. There was one in like 08 that dropped 4-5" IIRC. EDIT: Found it, Ike from 08.
  14. Yeah, we usually get teased with a quick curve and miss just southeast, but have been nailed a few times in the past. I'm def fiending for an all day steady rain, like what's going on in southern IA today. Guess that means I'm about ready for Fall lol.
  15. I'm ready for a 6" rainer from some tropical remnants.
  16. Didn't realize how cool it was in the northeastern sub. Quite different around here today, as it felt pretty toasty. Hit 86 and had dews in the mid 70s. Was pretty depressing this evening watching the towering cumulus above feebly attempt to build upwards into something more. Atmosphere didn't have enough mojo this afternoon/evening to get it done. SPC's 2% nader risk was a bit optimistic lol. Tough stretch for those peeps.
  17. Overcast most of the day, and only made it to 71. A few sprinkles the past hour or so as well. Almost a little taste of Fall, especially with preseason football on TV lol. Saw what I'm pretty sure was a bobcat on the way home earlier just off I-88. Didn't think we had any of those around here. Definitely way too big to be a tom cat, and was definitely a cat of some kind.
  18. The high-res Canadian did pretty decent with this. From what I've seen it's been the best short-term model this season for placement of convective events.
  19. Only if u include some model maps of the southeast
  20. 0.64" this morning. Combined with yesterday's 1.59" a nice 2.23" 2-day soaker.
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