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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Ended up with 0.30" here. Could add to that later today with some big storms.
  2. Drought-stricken southeast IA getting it good this evening. Picked up 0.21" rain earlier today. Most of the day the rain has crapped out while crossing the Mississippi.
  3. Re-uploaded this time lapse in much higher quality so now you can actually see the finer details. Meso got cranking after the 40 sec mark.
  4. I agree if it were to stay this way, but realizing the heat is swiftly coming back I'm enjoying it these past few days.
  5. I'm diggin' this fall weather, only 62 for a high today under an all-day overcast. Noticed a few corn fields have been harvested already, so that season has begun.
  6. Great day to watch NFL opening weekend. Dark and rainy with temps in the 50s. Feels like Fall. Up to 1.81
  7. Rain event has commenced here, as heavy rain currently falling. The average from the majority of the guidance gives us 2-3" between the two rounds. The 2nd round is the biggest wild card, as that is where most of the variation in local amounts comes from. Up to 0.08" already.
  8. A mini-sup passed by a little while ago. Was undercut by the passing cold front but the meso was cranking pretty nicely. Didn't expect to see that from the backyard today. Short time lapse with phone. Wall cloud early on, then undercut by cold front, and after about the 40 sec mark you can see meso cranking on right side of screen after cold front clouds pass by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPpZjS4X1Uw
  9. Great day today, sun mixed with building cu field and temps in the 80s. Big change on the way for tomorrow when temps have a hard time getting out of the 50s with rain much of the day. Models are bouncing around where the heaviest rains will fall, but feel good about getting well over an inch here. Looks like southern WI has the best chance at 3"+.
  10. I'll take the 18z 3km NAM solution in December/January please. EDIT: and now the 00z lol.
  11. Finished with 0.62". Some isolated areas really got dumped on, with 2-3" earlier this afternoon/eve.
  12. 0.53" so far for the day with some nice downpours and quite a bit of thunder the past few hours.
  13. Picked up 0.21" of rain from an isolated cell earlier, so on the board for the month for precip.
  14. Got down to 53 this morning, great sleeping weather.
  15. Without looking at soundings I'm guessing mixing is into the ionosphere lol.
  16. Nice downpour this morning with the evolving convection. Picked up a quick 0.37", up to 5.90" for August.
  17. I vaguely remember as well. We had a chance for severe storms here that day, but everything stayed well northeast as we were very hot and capped. Do remember seeing the anvil in the eastern sky while we baked.
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