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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. So just shy of the top of Michael Jordan's head. Sheeeeesh.
  2. If 6 inches is a warning criteria event, what is 6 feet? An apocalyptic criteria event?
  3. Feels like I'm in Michigan the past few days with steady bouts of flurries/brief snow showers. Don't usually get 3+ days in a row with these west of the lakes. Even a day of mood flakes can be a bit of a challenge sometimes west of the lakes, so it's been pretty nice.
  4. That's unfortunate lol. The red square is where the stadium is located. When that band settles a bit further south they will get buried.
  5. A few passing snow showers today. Nice mood flakeage.
  6. Bills have home game Sun. Could be a fun one.
  7. Had very light snow off and on since last night but poor rates and marginal temps lead to no accum. Will finish event with 1".
  8. Guess we got about an inch. It's entirely gone now though so it's just an estimation.
  9. About a half inch down here. Pixies here atm.
  10. Yeah it did. I believe there were some 70mph reports up in southern WI. The storm bombed out and went sub 980 near Chicago IIRC.
  11. If I got to live one weather event over again I'd probably go with the December 14-15 1987 blizzard. Remember the buildup to that storm was pretty hyped, even back then with no models to look at etc. Remember watching Monday Night Football as the snow began and then ramped up. After midnight is when it really ramped up with considerable thunder and lightning, and periods of 60+mph winds. Had never seen anything even close to that as a 10yr old kid at the time.
  12. A nice plume of factory effect snow has set up south of the QC. Wouldn't be surprised if an inch or two has fallen in that narrow area. Have a few flurries here at times.
  13. Ahhh, the first snow thread of the season. Nice to see a spread the wealth type of system to kick things off as well.
  14. At noon yesterday MLI was basking in 78 degree temps, with dews near 60. Today at noon it was 31 with a wind chill of 18!
  15. Guessing that hurricane must have caused the models headaches, as they all did a piss poor job at handling the placement of tonight's rain swath. Still not a drop here, and looks like the main band will crap the bed on the door step later tonight. Hope to get an errant flurry Saturday.
  16. Front just came through here. Temp has already dropped 6 degrees in the past 5 mins. The party's over.
  17. Another day another record high at MLI as they hit 78. Hit 76 here.
  18. Full-on torch today with MLI hitting a new record high of 78, hit 75 here. Tomorrow's record of 74 looks to be toast as well. Several models have a short period of wet snow here early Fri morning. Talk about a slap in the face after making a run at 80 tomorrow lol.
  19. Very cold air already spilling into Montana.
  20. The Euro has us going from 70 to wet snow in 12hrs Thu afternoon/early Fri. Impressive cold front for sure.
  21. Finished with 1.33". Feeling quite fortunate as many models had us AOB 0.50" with the 1"+ rains staying northwest of here. The dry stretch worked out quite well for the farmers, as they were able to get everything harvested. All in all it looks like a top notch crop this year for both beans and corn.
  22. Nice to wake up to a severe thunderstorm warning in November. Winds were only about 40mph with the line but still fun. Up to 1.28" for the event so far.
  23. 1.06" rain here so far, with more coming late night/morning.
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