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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. 1.20" here since yesterday with up to an inch possible tonight. We're at 48 degrees currently, but could flip to wet snow by midnight.
  2. Right at 1" for this system now. Looks like a decent amount left to come. May get a brief period of wet snow tomorrow night before the dry slot bulges in.
  3. Definitely gonna rip up in WI when that wave kicks up there. Should be some nice rates.
  4. Winds have really ramped up here in past half hour. Roaring out there, prob gusting to 45.
  5. Pretty rough afternoon out there with a driving rain and 35 degrees. Nice soaker though with 0.54" and counting.
  6. Well, the first 10 days of Dec will sneak through without even a trace of snow. The next 10 days looks like maybe a T/<1" stretch. Hopefully the final 11 days of the month come through or we'll have another no-show-snow December
  7. Rain has commenced here with a temp of 33. Hoping for a good half inch out of this system.
  8. Looks like we'll get a day filled with backwash snow showers and flurries behind the big rainer next week. At least it will look wintry for a time.
  9. Yeah makes it feel very Decembery. Seems to be several days in each Dec with long-lived fog and heavy overcast.
  10. Dense fog held on for most of the morning, but cleared off nicely this afternoon. Pretty hazy still, kinda looks like it wants to fog back up.
  11. Yeah been checking the cams up at chestnut in Galena. Looks like they've been making a lot of snow.
  12. Looks like a nice rainer for this area. We def need the moisture so not a bad thing.
  13. What a change from late this afternoon when summery convective clouds were rolling overhead. After being up near 60 we're down to 24 with a wind chill of 9 lol. Pretty intense caa this evening brought in by 45mph winds.
  14. Picked up 0.00" with today's system, as expected. Was nice to see some towering cu though along the cold front a short while ago.
  15. Some very cold air building up in northern Canada and Alaska..
  16. Picked up 0.03" today, not even enough to wash the salt off the roads lol. Next sprinklefest Tue night.
  17. Looking forward to the 1/4" cold rain tomorrow night. Top 3 event for November.
  18. Nice! Fantastic day to be sure. MLI hit 61. Felt warmer than that with the full sun, light winds, and recent frigid spell. Prob spend some time Sat mulching/burning the last of the leaves. Two giant sycamores down the road finally lost all their leaves and they drifted around the yard here.
  19. If I lived in Buffalo I'd buy one of those snow cats they had in The Shining.
  20. Today felt pretty torchy as compared to of late. MLI hit 50, made 46 here.
  21. Same here, at 8. Pretty impressive for mid Nov and no snow otg.
  22. Shows how much I know about LES, I never realized you guys could get as much snow as you have as far inland as you are from LM. Congrats to you and the others on a nice early season event.
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