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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Euro def isn't what it used to be. Better off using tarot cards while trying to forecast anything beyond 72hrs these days lol.
  2. Think I'll tweak the 2-4" call down to 1-3". Northwestern DVN cwa easily does the best since their precip won't be nearly as fleeting. A few days ago I never would have guessed the heaviest snows in the cwa would end up out that way lol.
  3. Next thing to watch is the little clipper coming through on boxing day for the central/western portions of the sub. Unfortunately it looks like it will be on the decline as it moves in, but hopefully the models are weakening it a little too quickly.
  4. Considering the fact that a few nights ago it dropped a few feet here I'm gonna wager against that outcome.
  5. Kind of reminds me of a high-end severe threat in the plains that gets ruined by a under-modelled crashing cold front.
  6. Many of us will be sort of jaded after experiencing the ups and down with this system, so next time there's a big threat it's going to be a little harder to get all that excited about it.
  7. We may end up with more blowing dust than snow on Friday lol.
  8. I'm kinda happy to see that little weenie band up by the CR crew. All their snow will blow down this way by Friday
  9. I'm definitely still impressed with the intense cold blowing in. Gonna be pretty wicked out there Thu eve with 40mph gusts and temps pushing -10.
  10. 00z HRRR down to about a 4-5hr period of post-frontal snow for the QC and a good chunk of northern IL. The event ends over 24hrs earlier than what was shown a few days ago.
  11. Virga-fest for the QCA with tonight's wave, but that was expected.
  12. It was all downhill after last night's GFS/ICON extravaganza. Luckily by this morning I had already accepted our fate that the big dog threat was over for the dvn cwa. Like many have said at least we'll get some cover for a nice white Christmas for once lol.
  13. Nice user name. I feel like I should change mine to Imneversatisfied2 lol.
  14. Early guess here is for 4-6". Gonna be tough to measure due to the strong winds and the dry nature of the snow. Gonna have to dress up like an eskimo to go out and remove the snow lol
  15. Euro a pretty big killjoy for the dvn cwa after the GFS/ICON runs earlier. Gut tells me this will be a powdery 3-5" event here with high winds and extreme cold, whilst Hoosier/Chicagoland cash in yet again ala GHD3.
  16. Tonight's GFS/ICON looks strangely familiar to the fantasy xmas eve storm I painted in last year's holiday forecast thread.
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