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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. You and Beavis are at 2 ends of the spectrum. He's Mr. Freeze and you're the Human Torch lol.
  2. Astounding change in conditions to say the least. MLI broke the record high today with their 67. The 5pm ob one week ago right now at MLI was -4 with wind chill of -29. 5pm ob today is 62, a 91 degree difference.
  3. Got a good chance at 60 today, especially at MLI. MLI already up to 50 at this early hour. Just 48hrs ago we got down to -5. Definitely gonna feel better than the -40 wind chills from late last week.
  4. *Forrest Gump voice* and just like that, our 1" of snow had mell ted.
  5. Temps at midnight tomorrow night look to be in the 50s, or over 60 degrees warmer than at midnight last Thu night.
  6. Meant for snow. Looks like we'll be heading towards mid Jan with <5" snow for the season unless storm track shifts southeast some.
  7. I don't want to brag or anything, but we're on the verge of crossing the 5" threshold for the season here.
  8. The storm early next week looks like a nice road salt wash off-er for a good chunk of the sub.
  9. 1.3" here. Nickels and dimes have now brought us up to 4.9" for the season. Hopefully we can get a system to breach the 2" barrier in Jan or Feb.
  10. Flakes have trickled down to the surface now here. Exposed dog turds are beginning to get a twinkle of light as the crystals land upon them.
  11. Stepped out a bit ago and p sure I heard screaming to the northwest.
  12. I guess we can kinda call this a white Christsmas. Most areas have been scoured mostly free of snow from the long-duration high wind event, but still looks kinda white. Merry Christmas everyone!
  13. Models generally show about a tenth of precip for the QCA. Some have a little bit more. Going with a conservative 15:1 LSR should fluff that into 1.5 to perhaps 2 inches. Has a shot at the highest snowfall event of the season so far.
  14. This little screamer looks to deposit an inch or two for a good chunk of the dvn cwa. I agree with mimi that there's a good chance this thing is weakening too quickly on the models, so an overachiever is def on the table.
  15. For only 1-2" of snow otg this was a damn impressive blowing snow event. Can't imagine what it would have been like if the earlier model runs would have been correct. Definitely would have been shut down for at least a few days. Hit 50mph here earlier today, and DVN hit 53mph. High today so far is actually the current temp, which is -1.
  16. Low of -10 early this morning here, with the lowest wind chill of -42. Now, bring on those 50mph gusts.
  17. Down to -9 with wind chills pushing -40. The 50mph wind gusts tomorrow are going to be brutal. Today's 1.5" brings us up to 3.2" for the season.
  18. MLI finished with 0.7", and DVN with 2.3", so guess I'll go with 1.5" here. Temp down to -6 with the wind chill at -33.
  19. Front has already blasted through here, and down to 19 degrees. The 5-hour period of snow begins here around 9am. Models generally converge in the 0.15-0.20" range for qpf, so should fit nicely in that 2-3" window. Not even gonna try to measure this, I'll just go with the average between whatever falls at DVN/MLI lol.
  20. Getting the first flakes now here. Looks like most of this first wave will skirt by just northwest, as expected. Main snows move in after sunrise for a quick few inches. Up to 27 now, but should be down near zero already in about 12hrs, and well below zero by sundown.
  21. Nice little uptick. I'll increase the call for here from 1-3" up to 2-3".
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