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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Temps over 50 today. I'd say it's a January thaw but melting 1/2" of snowpack off prob doesn't qualify.
  2. Was just thinking this earlier actually, that we don't get nearly as many clippers as we used to. Also seem to be lacking in icing events as well. Also while I'm at it, seem to be lacking in the big storms that used to wrap up and throw us into the dry tongue. Used to always loathe the dry tongue, but now kind of miss it. Man that sounded kind of weird lol. Seems that we mostly get progressive/positively tilted pos lately, especially the kind that down-trend in the final 48hrs.
  3. ORD/RFD at 4.5/6.1. Even up at Dubuque they are still <10" FTS lol.
  4. Checkout Deadwood from HBO if you haven't seen it, you'll love it!
  5. None of the models have done all that great in the mid-range with winter IMO, and the GFS was horrific trash with the strong storm shortly before xmas. It was showing 2-3ft of snow for much of the western sub for several runs. Other models were also over-amping too early, but the GFS was lol worthy compared to them.
  6. Looks like some sprinkles with a few mixed wet flakes beneath the thin overcast for this area. Top 5 event.
  7. I'd go D. Seasonal total only 5.4, and biggest event so far only 1.5" but that mini ground blizzard/ extreme cold before xmas was legit.
  8. Following the rainer for Thursday, looks like the next rainer arrives around the 16-17th.
  9. ^ Meanwhile our 1/2" of snowpack has sublimated down to 1/3" depth
  10. Yeah our areas were just outside of the GHD3 storm, which was quite heartbreaking at the time lol.
  11. Picked up 0.5" overnight and today. Up to 5.4" for the season.
  12. MLI had a good shot at approaching record temps today, but they stayed socked in by dense fog by just a few miles. Just a few miles south the fog lifted and temps were near 60, or about 10 degrees higher than MLI. You woulda never knew the clearing line was so close, as it was very dark and dismal within that heavy fog bank.
  13. 0.71" rain here. Very foggy most of the day.
  14. Looks like a quick 0.50-0.75 of rain here tonight, some flurries/snow showers Thu, and then quiet into mid Jan. The record of 62 at MLI tomorrow may be in jeopardy, which would be their 2nd record high in a week. Impressive after nearly -40 wind chills around xmas.
  15. MSP gonna cross the 40" threshold before here & ORD gets to 5" lol.
  16. Which at that time we'll be halfway through met winter.
  17. Another fun fact.. this time last week our dewpoint was -16, currently it's 53, a 69 degree difference.
  18. The birdfart tor that missed 1 mile north of here in March. Had 70mph winds here briefly with that. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
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