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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Out of all the models to me it seems that the RGEM has been the most consistent with the rain/snow line for the past few days. Other than some backside flurries Thu afternoon this is looking like 100% cold rain for the QC.
  2. Not much to be excited about through near the end of the month if the op Euro is to be believed.
  3. The way winters are going anymore I think we'll be seeing more January naders in coming years.
  4. The 3km NAM is further northwest with the rain/snow line compared to the 12km. I'm riding the RGEM, which gives the QC about 99% rain.
  5. Nice little soaker today, picked up 0.52". Feels like spring with dews pushing 50 atm. EDIT: MLI hit 57, which was 2 degrees away from tying the old record high.
  6. SPC maintained a general thunder instead of a marginal on the 06z day 1. Still looking forward to a stormy looking sky late in the day, which will prob be the most exciting weather event of the month lol.
  7. If trends continue MSP may be in the mid 50s for snow by the end of the week, while ORD remains at 4.5"...
  8. If that is verbatim the outcome then I'd rather just have all rain and go for futility lol.
  9. Don't remember ever being in a SPC tornado risk in mid January before. Even if the storms don't come to full fruition at the least the sky should look pretty interesting later tomorrow afternoon.
  10. 00z Euro has CR to Madison cashing in quite nicely, much like back in December. QC to Chicago points east continue the screwage. Hope for a bump southeast.
  11. Temp on that weather station gonna read high being up on the roof.
  12. If we can break the 2" barrier this will be a monumental event to be sure for this season.
  13. The difference between yesterday's 12z and today's 12z GFS is truly lol worthy. Apparently it's the best model though.
  14. We're cashing in this evening with some flurries and light snow showers. Even enough to see with the naked eye if one stares long enough.
  15. Looks like there was no thread, and no needle as well.
  16. lol, well they did tag 67 around new years
  17. Temps have languished the past few hours so record is out.
  18. Low hanging fruit since the old record high at MLI today is only 56, but good chance it's tied or broken. Temp already 54 at 1pm.
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