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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like a route 20 in Iowa special, IL/WI border east of the Mississippi. Looks like a duster to perhaps an inch or two here if we can manage to hang onto the southern edge.
  2. Riding the southern side of it here. Not the place to be with any bumps north.
  3. 2.8" here, better than I thought a few days ago at least.
  4. Maybe a better poll would be if ORD or MLI will see a 3" snowfall event this season. I don't think ORD has even had a 2" event yet, I know MLI hasn't.
  5. Brooms and leaf blowers sure getting a workout this winter. Shovels and snowblowers naso much.
  6. Well we finally cleared the 2" hurdle with our 2.3" last night/this morning. Nice to see the grass tips finally covered up.
  7. Seasonal futility is probably off the table since we'll probably nickel and dime our way up into the teens eventually. Long ways off but this looks like a typical wussy 1-2 or 1-3" type event for the majority of the DVN cwa. At least it will look more wintry which is a big change from the unrelenting brown seen 95% of this met winter up to this point.
  8. Will go 1.5-2.0" for here/QC for this one, like as I mentioned previously will be our heaviest event of the season to date. Should get us to near/over the 7" mark for the season.
  9. Fully expect to ride the northwest fringe with this.
  10. The storm system later next week represents sort of a worst case scenario for snow lovers for the QC/Chicago crew. After getting bypassed to the northwest all season only to have a big snow pass by southeast. I thought last winter's sub 20" season was bad, this one may be even worse the way things are going lol. Guess we'll see if Feb can deliver.
  11. Looks like this wussy system coming in Sat night may bump ORD AOA 6". Won't matter though if the bigger system later next week comes to fruition, as MSP will be on the sidelines for that.
  12. The 3-part GHD saga is kind of like The Godfather trilogy. First two were great, the 3rd pretty decent but doesn't quite measure up to the first two.
  13. Looking at the 12z Euro gave me flashbacks of GHD3.
  14. Up to 0.53" rain now. Sort of a heavy drizzle falling here that's actually still adding up in the ol' rain gauge. Should see a burst of flurries/snow showers tomorrow, so that will get us to a T for snow for the system. Top 10 event for snow for the season.
  15. The 12z Euro shows a 2"er Saturday night/early Sunday for the QC. That would be the number 1 event of the season if we can somehow reel that puppy in.
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