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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. We've been exclusively freezing rain for over 2 hours now. The glazing has capped off the blowing snow potential DVN was concerned about earlier. Looks like our snow total will finish with 1.0", which brings us to 12.0" for the season. We'll see what the last half of Feb and March does, but it's looking like it's gonna be another sub 20" season if trends continue.
  2. I like how they have a giant range in snow amounts but give an exact temp for the whole night.
  3. We've gone over to mostly light freezing rain. Didn't expect that this far north.
  4. Reports of over 3" only about 20 miles north, oh so close lol. Right at an inch here with light snow falling again.
  5. Has completely shut off here for first time. At 0.9" so far.
  6. Nice baroclinic zone with this. It's 19 in Rockford with heavy snow falling, and sunny and 52 in Springfield. Two whole different worlds of weather there.
  7. We're only at about an inch here, but it's been interesting enough it's not been too much of a letdown accum wise. Still hoping for another inch or so if late afternoon/evening can keep producing like many models show. Gotta enjoy it now, looks very benign again after this event.
  8. Ran down to Geneseo for some chinese and hit a nice period of snow pellets. Definitely a convective aspect to these bands.
  9. I'm trying lol. Keeps on firing up overhead. Def not gonna get as much as just north but it's been pretty entertaining getting these brief moderate bursts. In between those it's been pretty light, but hasn't completely shut off yet.
  10. Large flakes and nice snow globe action here lately with these enhanced bands redeveloping nearly overhead.
  11. I usually just try to guess the ratio and calculate it on my own. I'm banking on 13:1 ratios, or perhaps better which should fluff our 0.2-0.25 of precip into the 2.5-3" range for snow. I'm guessing ratios in the main swath further north near the IL/WI border may be 15:1 or better.
  12. Ripping nicely under this enhanced band. Flake size is pretty nice as well. Gonna get pseudo dry slotted here in a bit, but like others have mentioned models redevelop snows all day over this general area. Gonna be in and out of it through the event but should gradually build up.
  13. Light snow just began here. The last few Euro runs have Geos in the jackpot zone with 6"+. Will see snow intensity ebb and flow here along the southern side of things, but should make a run at 3" I think.
  14. I literally have no clue what we'll get here. If I was putting out a forecast I'd prob just go 1-3", but wouldn't be surprised to be under or over that range lol.
  15. Had a few brief snow showers/flurries this morning, but don't think we had any accum here. If we did it melted before I got home lol. Sitting at 11.0" for the season after Wednesday's snow event. MLI at 10.3" for the season now.
  16. It's amazing how often we see these east/west oriented fronto snows end up along that route 20 corridor in Iowa, and southern WI to near IL border zone. What makes it more interesting is how pretty much every time the models show it setting up further south in the mid range. It's just poor modeling for this particular type of setup apparently.
  17. This evening's trends have been pretty disappointing for the I-80 crowd. I guess we'll try again in 2-3 weeks eh? What a pos winter lol.
  18. I can't see ALEK busting by over 5". Toss
  19. I'm hoping the trailing precip later Sat afternoon and evening overachieves. That would be our best hope to get 3"+ down here closer to I-80.
  20. RGEM came in smokin' hot for northern IL
  21. There was a decent amount of blowing and drifting late last night through parts of today out in the open country. Roads were surprisingly dicey on the trek into work this morning.
  22. Picked up another 0.4" bringing the storm total to 3.2". That's a major hit for this season lol.
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