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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Unless something better comes along in the next month or so, the 3.2" that fell back in the late January event will be the best event of the season. We'll see what happens but this has the possibility of being the wussiest winter I've seen in my 46 years.
  2. Missed the accumulating snow by less than 5 miles. A few wet flakes mixed in a times both here and at work. Picked up 1.12" of rain. MLI might have passed us up in seasonal snowfall now. They were at 10.7", and had picked up 0.9" as of noon. Still stuck at 12.0" here.
  3. Too far east here. The nose of IA looks like where that narrow band of snow falls now. May still get a period of wet snow later this morning but not expecting much if any accum from here points east. The western side of the QC may end up with some accumulations, gonna be close. Heavy rain pouring here. 0.57" so far and climbing quickly.
  4. I think what's making it worse is this is the 2nd one in a row well below average for snow. It'll all even out in the seasons to come but stacking two crappers back to back definitely sucks lol.
  5. I'd guess 3-5" in the main swath with isolated higher amounts. You guys are probably gonna be pretty much in that. I'd put the spine of the band from Oskaloosa up to about Prairie du Chien. Looks like the best chance at 5+ will be further north towards Prairie du Chien and into southwest WI where the storm maxes out.
  6. Looks like a solid rainer for the QC, probably 1-1.5". Think we'll see a burst of snow at the end Thu but good chance it's not measurable.
  7. It's 51 here at nearly 1am. Not too shabby for early-mid Feb.
  8. Looks like the CR crew could cash in if things go perfectly. May see the grassy surfaces dust up some here in the QCA for a time Thu. Prob enough to bump MLI over the all-time futility mark unfortunately.
  9. Yep, looking like a sloppy slusher. Looks like just enough for them to go out and re-salt right after all the old stuff gets washed away lol.
  10. KC made it to 70 today. Low 60s bulged into southern IA.
  11. It's getting to where if the sun's out and there's little wind it feels warmer than what the temp is. Sun angle ftw
  12. 00z Euro says seasonal trend continues for northern IL/southeast IA lol
  13. You can definitely see the first hint of spring fever already hitting. Lots of people out today on walks, car washes jam packed, and people just outside to be outside. Snow is quickly melting here and should be completely gone be tomorrow. MLI up to 45 making a run at 50. EDIT: MLI did end up hitting 50.
  14. Wow, wind chill is down to -106 now. That's crazy
  15. As of yesterday MLI is now 12.0" inches below normal snowfall for the season. Last year at this time they were 8.4" below.
  16. Mine still has the tarp on it from the warm season lol
  17. At this point I kind of wish we could just lock in goose eggs the rest of the way so MLI could get that all-time snowfall futility. Less than 4 weeks till March.
  18. They system around the 10th looks like a nice road salt washer.
  19. 4 years ago today hit -27 here, MLI hit -33 for their new all time low. Now that was some cold.
  20. -7 here this morning. Have about 2" on the ground capped with a shiny layer of glaze from the 3-4hrs of freezing rain.
  21. IIRC MLI least snowiest season is 11.1". They're at 10.7" currently, so there's still technically a chance at a new all time least snowiest season lol. I'm sure they'll nickel and dime up into the 15-19" range eventually though.
  22. I'd prob go F+ at this point, the + being for the legit bitter cold/1" snow depth ground blizzard before Christmas. Our last snowstorm with cajones was way back in Nov 2018 when we got 12.8". Been paying for that one ever since, as we've only cracked the 6" mark once (6.3") in January 2021. That storm in Nov '18 was awesome though. I'd almost be willing to do another 4-season stretch of mostly sub 6"ers to experience another one like that one.
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