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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. The models seem unusually consistent so far in the placement of the heavy snow swath from MN to MI. Why can't they be like that for us poor folks further south?
  2. Looking like a 34 degree rainer for the QCA. Wish we could fast forward to May.
  3. You can tell Hoosier's excited for this system lol
  4. If we're not gonna get warm enough for storms I'll take a raging sleet storm. At least it'd be interesting.
  5. Take it to the bank and cash it, this is money right here.
  6. After yesterday's snow, Dubuque has 20.9" more snow this season than MLI. Pretty stark contrast between the northern DVN cwa and the central portion.
  7. DVN slow to issue their final tally for MLI/DVN. Guessing due to their warning busting badly, again. Was under a warning here as well, but failed to reach even a 3"/advisory level event.
  8. Pretty sad lol. We need Geos to move back pronto
  9. Final band did better than I thought, picked up 1.3 more inches bringing us to 2.5" for storm. Down to just very light now so prob about it. EDIT: MLI/DVN had 1.8/3.8 at 6pm. Both probably picked up a few tenths since before it shut off.
  10. Hopefully it tracks far enough north to get us into the warm sector for some 'vection. Don't need anymore 1-2" slushers.
  11. DVN is sitting in the middle of the enhanced band and their vis is 2.5 miles, MLI at 1.5 miles. Definitely nice to look at though, just not very efficient accumulator.
  12. It's finally all snow, which is good lol. Nice snow globe action with large, slowly falling flakes. Looks nice but vis reduction/rates pretty meh. May make a run at 2" for total, but the band is pretty transient.
  13. Picked up 1.2" here. Have had quite a bit of sleet and freezing rain mixing in, and the heavier precip was pretty showery throughout the event. Should have stuck with my original forecast lol.
  14. Yeah things have bumped back northwest a bit with this evening's runs. That's what I get for being optimistic lol. Guess I'll just go with 1-5". With how things have gone the past few seasons we'll probably gonna be on the low end of that. On the bright side we're not missing out on anything noteworthy. No big dogs for anyone this season, except up in MSP, or by a big lake.
  15. Seems like the mixing issues have bumped a little southeast today. Looking more like a 3-5" type of snow now.
  16. Due to probable mixing issues along the southeast edge of the heavier snow band I'm gonna go with a first call of 1-3 for here/QC. Need a 75-100 mile bump southeast to get us into the heavier snows, but that's probably not gonna happen. Cedar Rapids to Dubuque, and Madison looking golden per usual.
  17. Trying to reel it in down this way
  18. Looks like the same corridor that just cashed in with this past system (CR to Dubuque/Madison) will be ground zero for the Thursday system. Areas just to the southeast will continue the screwage.
  19. Yeah fantastic day to be sure with full sun, light winds and temps in mid fiddies
  20. This me about every day looking at the models coming in
  21. On Thursday the Euro has near 70 at LAF and only upper 20s in far northwest IL. Definitely a nice baroclinic zone with this system.
  22. Oh cool, another miss northwest. Guess I'd rather have that then a near miss just southeast ala GHD3 last season.
  23. Definitely a big jump in snowfall as you head north. Just in the DVN cwa MLI is at a lowly 11.8" while Dubuque is 28.4". Dubuque is right at normal, while MLI is now down 13.6 inches. I'm just happy that we're 0.2" ahead of MLI lol.
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