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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Just virga out this way. ORD down to 0.5 mile now in moderate snow.
  2. Feb will finish with 14.5" for the seasonal snowfall total here, MLI at 14.1" which is now 15.2" below average. This time last year MLI was at 15.4", 13.9" below average.
  3. Dec 87 blizzard had a 979mb low near Kankakee and up towards your area IIRC.
  4. Yeah so often sleet co ck blocks the glazing potential. It's kind of hard to get a nearly pure freezing rain event, as it seems to be more fleeting/transitory in nature in these parts. The best ice storm I've witnessed was back in December '94 while living in the QC. We were forecast to get a warning criteria snow event, with freezing rain changing to snow. To my dismay at the time the freezing rain just kept holding and didn't change to snow until the final portion of the event. Didn't have online models to peruse in those days, so had to rely on TWC and weather radio.
  5. Definitely an interesting pattern. Seems like it's chucking out sub 980mb systems one after the other. Hopefully something noteworthy comes of it, it'd be kind of a shame to waste it lol.
  6. lol 958mb at hour 216. And still primarily a rainer
  7. Yeah could explain while the icing here was up higher where the wind was probably a bit more frisky. If dews would have been up closer to the temp we probably wouldn't have had any glazing at all given the marginal temps. Very interesting event to be sure.
  8. Just had a brief downpour pass through. Up to 1.07" for the day.
  9. Hopefully RC chimes in later with some met input on this.
  10. Don't think I've ever seen it like that before. I've seen trees and other elevated surfaces glaze up while the ground remained liquid, but never this sort of elevated glaze like today. I'd imagine if I took a short trip north it changes pretty quickly to more of a "traditional" glaze lol.
  11. Chunks of ice are hitting the east side of the house as the wind is now starting to knock off some of the ice from high up in the front tree. Glad temps weren't a degree or two colder or we'd have been hit pretty good. Hoosier's point about the dews being a bit lower than freezing is interesting, never thought about that. Up to 0.90"
  12. 0.87" rain so far, which is more than I figured we'd get. Also some glazing on the trees about 30ft+ up, but none below that.
  13. 33 with light right here. Looks like around a half inch or so to fall in this area.
  14. As we near midnight we have widespread 70s with decent humidity as far north as Oklahoma, and -20s and -30s just north of the US/Canadian border. You can definitely see why we have such a powerful synoptic setup in the making.
  15. If I was in the ice storm zone I'd have the cams set up to do some time lapse action. Catch those trees slowly drooping/breaking. Would be a pretty sweet time lapse to be sure.
  16. Ice misses by about 20 miles from here according to that. That probably means we should nestle right in the 33-34 degree range during the event. Definitely gonna be a miserable day tomorrow lol.
  17. March gonna come in like a Lion and go out like a Viking?
  18. Kinda wish NCEP would fire up the old AVN model. Would bet money it was more accurate than the GFS has been the past several years.
  19. 12z Euro had a 969mb low going through Iowa next weekend, with it being primarily a rainer for most of the sub. Even though from a snow standpoint this winter has been beyond abysmal, at least it has been active for the most part.
  20. He's been too busy manipulating the space heaters into different positions around the palms to keep them evenly heated.
  21. It will be more of a runny rain in CR as opposed to a freezing rain.
  22. That graphic that showed a 90% chance at 18" there kind of cracked me up. A 90% chance at a 4" for northern IL would be like winning the lottery at this point lol.
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