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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Have some mood dust whipping around in the bitter winds this morning. Truly awful out there for almost late March.
  2. 0.26" of rain last night. Changed to light snow towards the end but was too wet/light to stick.
  3. And cause u posted that I have Runaway Train by Soul Asylum in my head
  4. Looks like a road salt washer Thursday/Friday. Hopefully no more salt needed this season.
  5. Wow u guys did pretty well out that way.
  6. Last night's 0.5" brings us to 19.0" for the season. Finished last season with 19.2", so we've nickel and dimed our way back to about where last year finished.
  7. The rain changed over to light snow about an hour after onset. Picked up maybe a half inch eyeballing out the window.
  8. Looks like the Des Moines office really blew it with this system. Widespread 4-6" of snow through much of central IA with no headlines. Ouch.
  9. Tonight's system looks like it will be a mixed-bag of rain/white rain/wet snow with fairly light snow accumulations for the QCA. Looking like a dabber.
  10. Finished with 4.0" here, easily the best/most enjoyable event of the winter. DVN finished with 4.5", MLI had 2.5".
  11. 3.5" here with some very light snow still falling. Lots of moisture in the snow but large flake size definitely helped ratios.
  12. Snow globe action. Trees are caked up and limbs are getting pretty saggy.
  13. It will be once we pass over 3.2", which should be shortly.
  14. We had rates that were probably pushing 2" per hour there for awhile. Already up over 3". Pretty impressive/efficient snowfall late this afternoon.
  15. Easily the heaviest snowfall intensity of the season the past half hour. Pouring large/wet fatties. A bit over 2" of very dense snowfall so far and adding up quickly.
  16. Feeling a little more confident out this way. Gonna bump my 1-3" call up to 3-4" for here/QC, with a good chance this beats our seasonal best snowfall so far (3.2"). Some decent banding may help ratios fight off the slightly warmer ground/marginal temps. It'll be nice to see a daytime snowfall even though it may cut into amounts a bit. Seems like many events this season exclusively happened in the dark of night.
  17. I'll be optimistic and go with 1-3" of slop for here/QC. DVN's northwest/northern portion will dominate again.
  18. A rainer or a sloppy slusher for the QCA points south. Gotta ride seasonal trends.
  19. Picked up 0.11" from last evening's T-showers. MLI now nearly 18" below snowfall seasonal average. ORD a bit over 15" down.
  20. Several rumbles of thunder this evening here.
  21. Nice thundersnow action in southwest MN this afternoon.
  22. Winter isn't done here, we have widespread frost this morning. If you squint your eyes it almost looks like a dusting of snow.
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