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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. MLI ended up at 92. Nice severe out by Iowa City.
  2. First 90 of the year here today. New record high at MLI of 90, so far. Got my first good sweat on of the year out working in the yard most of the day.
  3. Dews have jumped up into the low 60s. That combined with temps over 80 makes it feel a little more summery out there this afternoon. Hoping the Iowa storms later tonight don't turn into sloppy seconds for the QCA.
  4. Yeah. It's like the system's compass setting got set 90 degrees in the wrong direction.
  5. DVN's radar is all whacko right now. Somehow they have the image turned counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. The precip is moving north-northwest on the animation when it should be moving east-northeast. The ground clutter from the giant wind farm down in Henry county is now up in northern Whiteside CO. You can see it on the COD site, and other software programs show the same thing, so it's definitely a DVN issue. Their radar was down for awhile the other day. Wonder if something got screwed up putting it back online.
  6. Humidity values got as low as 15% late this afternoon. Had temps near 80 with dews around 30. We can definitely use some moisture, as it's starting to dry out quite a bit around here. Only 0.09" since Apr 17.
  7. Looks like we may have a few shots at hitting 90 over the next 7-10 days. Bring it on.
  8. Another freeze this morning here with 31 degrees. Luckily it was only AOB freezing for about an hour.
  9. This time last year we were one week away from a 4-day stretch of mid 90s. DVN hit 97 on May 12. Peak heat indices reached around 105. That was an extraordinary stretch of early season heat. The mid 70 dews made it even more impressive. Usually to get that hot this early you need a dry heat.
  10. Bout time, ready to move onto warm air and rumblerz. I feel ma nature owes me a high risk as well, since was out of town Mar 31st.
  11. Significantly better day here today compared to yesterday's trash. Luckily the clouds cleared enough that temps rocketed into the low 60s. Even with the 50mph winds it felt pretty nice out there.
  12. This ranks up there at the top of shittiest weather days possible for the very end of April. Just awful. 40 degrees with steady very light rain that is too light to benefit any living plants. 40mph winds added for a dash of misery. Anything following this day of garbage weather will be an improvement.
  13. 39 here with light rain and some partially melted flakes as well. Pretty dreary for nearly May.
  14. Looks like one more shot at a freeze around next Wednesday, and then we should finally end the freeze threat.
  15. Sheeesh. Sun/Mon looking pretty ghastly, with highs maybe into the mid 40s lol. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few wet flakes mix in, especially Monday.
  16. MLI tied the record low this morning with 29. Hit 28 here.
  17. Another few days with highs in the 40s next Monday and Tuesday, but after that it looks like the cold will finally move out. By then mother nature we will be satisfied that we have paid for our 5-day stretch of 80s a few weeks back.
  18. Made a little time lapse last night of the light show
  19. Hard freeze this morning here with 25. Another hard freeze likely Wednesday morning. Next Tue May 2nd looks to have a widespread freeze as well.
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