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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. 89'd at MLI today. Front passed through earlier here so only hit 85. Looks like a few coolish days tomorrow and Fri with temps near 70.
  2. 88 here and at MLI today. With dews in the 40s doesn't feel too toasty.
  3. Gonna get a long break from mowing in coming weeks.
  4. I'm just glad the smoke waited till now to invade the US. Would have sucked if it had hazed up the northern lights show a few weeks ago.
  5. The new alberta clipper. Might as well since clippers in the winter are pretty much non-existent anymore lol
  6. Picked up 0.13" early this morning, which was enough to bump us a bit over 3" for May. Looks like a long dry/boring stretch. Hopefully June delivers the boomers.
  7. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/af5ee7dc-5f6f-427c-b835-554b88ede90b
  8. Isn't it like 3 months early for these smoky skies?
  9. Today was pretty nice outside, and in Forrest Gump voice that's all I have to say about that.
  10. About 40 degrees colder than at this same time last week, as temps have plummeted into the low 50s late this afternoon. Did pick up another 0.63" of rain so far, with a little more on the way.
  11. Iowa's the new Oklahoma. Wedges bruh
  12. 0.41" of rain here today. Looking really lush out there.
  13. Low 60 dews will be like a breath of fresh Canadian air around these parts in July lol. Hit 85 here today. Most of the area trees have fully grown leaves now. Other than the farm fields it looks like mid summer around here. EDIT: Good luck on the chase trip Stebo
  14. A few fields around here have corn up now. The first step to our 80 degree dews in about 40 days from now lol.
  15. Nice! Finished with 1.67" here, a hearty soaking. Just south of here they got 3-4". Temp only made it to 63 here today with spits of drizzle under a heavy overcast. 29 degrees cooler than yesterday.
  16. Man this site is a morgue tonight lol. High quality evening to be sure. Have had thunder pretty much continuous for the past 7 hours, with at least another few to go. The light show has been top notch several times throughout the evening. Up to 0.69" for the evening as brief downpours have slowly added up.
  17. Nice wake low action. Getting some 40-45mph southeasterlies.
  18. We have dropped 30 degrees from a few hours ago, from 92 back down to 62. Picked up 0.19" of rain, but a nice light show the past hour or so. Getting 40mph gusts still well behind the main downdrafts. Sort of reminds of the derecho in that regard, but obv not even close to the intensity. DVN ended up hitting 67mph, and across the river at Clinton they hit 66mph.
  19. Lots of thunder with anvil sprinkles. Heaviest stuff gonna just barely miss to the south. Don't want the large hail, but some rain woulda been nice. DVN just gusted to 64mph.
  20. Looks like it's only in the 50s up in Palmville WI. Ouch.
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