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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Noticed the little mini sup passing to the northeast had some decent rotation so shot out east after it. Saw a nice funnel cloud near Tampico which lasted a good 3-4 mins.
  2. Nice deep blue sky out there today which is great to see after all that smoke. Last night's 0.66" brought us to 0.84" for June. Rain chances going forward are pretty meager, so doubt we'll break the 1" mark for June.
  3. 0.65" here. The way radar was looking I figured we were a shoe-in for an inch, but the heaviest downpours veered south. Could have been worse I guess.
  4. Not overly impressed with the rainfall, but this batch of storms is putting out an unbelievable amount of CGs.
  5. Hottest day of the year so far here with 97, 95 at MLI. Luckily dews mostly around 60.
  6. 55-60mph winds around MSP in the past hour due to wake low I guess.
  7. Great timing for the DVN radar to crap the bed, 1st real rain chance in 40 days. Been out over 2hrs now.
  8. Our hopes for anything here will come down to how the Iowa stuff evolves later today/this evening. If it craps the bed before reaching here it looks like it could be another nothingburger here, as tomorrow everything redevelops off to the east.
  9. Dews have mixed down below 45 in MLI with yet another 90+ day in the bag. Insanely low dews for late June.
  10. Just need to fill in those mini screw zones over western IL and we're golden.
  11. I loved the drought/heat of 1988 as a kid. Went swimming about every day.
  12. Yeah that's normally not so good of a map but compared to the past 40 it's lookin' swampy.
  13. It's been hot here with 15 90 degree days, but most of the time the dews have been extremely low so it doesn't seem like a hot summer at all.
  14. Decent chance we get a decent rain later Saturday night and/or Sunday. Def the best chance at more than a few tenths of an inch of rain in what will be over 40 days by then.
  15. If it's gonna happen Cedar Rapids will be in on it.
  16. 93 at MLI and here today. Dews were up near 60 today so felt warmer than yesterday. Lots of bare yards around here from the void left from removing dead ash trees the past few years. The tree farm industry and tree removal companies making bank courtesy of the little bugs.
  17. Lately all I do is just click on the precip map total at day 10. Not much else to look at it anymore.
  18. I'm amazed at how well the corn still looks around here. It may be a bit behind in height, but it is still green and growing. This modern era frankencorn must have roots that go down 10 times deeper than normal corn, that's the only way it's getting any moisture for growth/life.
  19. Hit 93 at MLI, 91 here. Dews mixed down to near 50 so it actually feels cooler than the temp reading.
  20. ^ Looks like a monsoon compared to the past 30 days of Euro runs.
  21. Both MLI and here sit low in the Rock River valley so we usually end up a few degrees higher on sunny days. Also get several degrees colder on calm/clear nights.
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