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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Now that the New Year's system looks like it won't happen it's looking like the first week of Jan will be a dud outside of the lake belts. Hopefully mid Jan brings something of interest lol.
  2. Had a few wind-driven sprinkles earlier. Should get a nice soaker later tonight/tomorrow morning. Good test for the new weather station's rain gauge.
  3. Yep, a stark contrast to November. Look to finish Dec with 0.2" here. Normally I'd be lighting up the complaint thread by this point, but the November storm made the whole winter for me. FWIW the new Euro still shows the system around the early part of the new year.
  4. The forecast models definitely get a big fat F in how they handled late tonight/tomorrow's wave. These subtle waves are usually pretty tricky for the models to handle, but they did an outright horrific job IMO. DVN mentioning maybe a low-end severe threat later in the day Thu for part of the cwa. Gotta love to be tracking the possibility of strong convection on xmas eve lol. Towards 00z Friday, a compact negatively tilted trof is expected to impact the area. This will bring the clear slot across the area Thursday afternoon and evening. Even though current thermodynamics show meager CAPE, the strong shear will lead to at least embedded thunder. What is not known today is the potential for clear slot convection later in the day. Current timing has our CWA primed for potential clear slot convection. We will need to see if we can get a surface based parcel to form in the clear slot. If we do, then a threat for strong and even severe storms may be possible. Again, too early to say with any certainty that this will occur as the CAMs may be our best prognostic tool for that as we get closer.
  5. Next system of interest after the Thu-Fri rainer could be the big system consistently showing up on the models around New Years. GFS/FV3 have both been pretty consistent in showing a big storm around that time, and now the op Euro has it as well. It's looking like it won't cut as far northwest as the Thu-Fri system, so more of the sub has a shot at getting some decent snows if trends continue.
  6. Looks like a ghost ship with all that fog lol.
  7. Hit 52 here, MLI hit 53. Spring has sprung!
  8. Looks like the next system will be the big rainer around the 27th. Unfortunately not a snow system for most of us, but hopefully we can get some thunder out of it. Euro showing temps/dews in the 50s in the instability axis ahead of the cold front.
  9. Well, better late than never? I finally got the yard cleared of leaves and mowed one last time. Hit 48 today, which is the warmest it's been in quite awhile. There are still some scattered patches of snow in shady spots which I actually mowed over lol. Also still very large piles around that will prob be there till March. Felt kind of weird to be out there mowing after a blizzard hit a few weeks prior. First time for everything.
  10. It comes with a 1 year warranty. The problem was actually with the console, which is even more expensive to replace. Have had a weather station since 2010 so it's kinda hard not having one now. This area is pretty rural with very few stations close by so it's pretty convenient.
  11. Seems like a pretty nice track of that surface low for you guys with the Thu-Fri system, but the thermos are unfortunately not cooperating. The new 12z tries to change over on the back side at the tail-end of the event unlike the 06z. If there were more cold air available for this system it would have been a huge hit from Kentucky through Ohio, and up into Ontario.
  12. Ordered a new Vue tonight to replace the POS VP2. Tried several different things to revive the VP2 to no avail. VP2's are normally pretty reliable from everything I've read, but apparently I got the lemon that was built on a Monday/Friday. At least I got a few years of use out of it before it shit the bed. Other than having the option to mount the anemometer away from the rest of the sensor suite there's really not much of an advantage over the VUE anyway. You can't get the aspirated thermo shield with the VUE, but in my experience with the 24hr FARS it didn't make that much of a difference anyway. Perhaps one degree.
  13. 12z GFS and FV3 GFS are looking very stormy a week or so out. Things are definitely looking up.
  14. New Euro rolling in is also pretty impressive, but looks to be predominantly a rain maker. Thermos don't look like they're too far off from more of a snow scenario though, so it's still a pretty sweet run. Should be an interesting next few days as the guidance starts to narrow in on this system.
  15. Pretty impressive looking system. Could be a nice hit for the snow-starved Indiana/Ohio peeps if trends continue.
  16. Well, what was left of the remaining snow pack got transformed back into liquid form with today's 47. Now that the old snow is gone I'm ready for a second helping.
  17. KDPA is down to 1/16 mile. That's the lowest vis I can remember ever seeing on an ob besides 0 vis at Mt. Washington NH of course.
  18. Clearing never made it in here today. Very heavy overcast all day, and it's been very foggy since mid afternoon. Less than 1/4 mile vis atm.
  19. Got really foggy this afternoon after some mixed sun this morning. Picked up a few hundredths of chilly rain earlier as well.
  20. Hit 39 before sunrise. Very little of the remaining snow has melted the past few days despite the above freezing temps. Still a good 1-2" remains. The extreme density of the bottom layer of snow definitely gave it some serious staying power.
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