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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. I figured we'd have a down period after that big late November storm, but didn't think it would be quite this quiet. Only 0.8" since November 26th here. Like I said before though that November storm made the whole winter for me, so anything else that falls is pretty much a bonus, even if we come in well under average. Last winter it had been VERY quiet up to this point. In fact we had <10" going into early Feb, and then all hell broke loose the final few months. Finished with 40.6". Still plenty of time to turn things around and many areas can still catch back up in a hurry.
  2. Was living in the QC at the time. Was a pretty impressive storm, with over a foot. It was sort of a long duration event, as it took over 24hrs to achieve the totals we received. Picked up several inches right away the first afternoon, and then there was sort of a lull with lighter snows until the early the next morning. As others have pointed out the most impressive aspect of this storm was how widespread it was in snow production. Wish I was on the boards back when this thing hit. Another interesting thing about this storm was how ridiculously warm it was less than a month before. Temps reached into the 70s in early Dec around here.
  3. I'd consider that a major win this month lol.
  4. Ended up with 0.89" of rain. Nice soaker. Was a 100% rain event. Looking forward to a few flurries tomorrow morning.
  5. Looks like the next system of note comes around the 7th. Looks like best shot of snow will be in WI to MI. South of that...hope something shows up in the last half of Jan.
  6. 0.58" of rain so far. Temps in the teens in northwest Iowa, so the cold air wasn't too far away. Was very close to being a nice widespread snowstorm for many.
  7. How much longer until we have to start considering sun angle??
  8. Moderate rain and 34 currently. Was too warm for freezing rain earlier. System is quite a bit further west than what models showed yesterday. Now looks like as far west as central Iowa could get a period of snow this afternoon.
  9. Yeah wwa here for that brief ice potential. Looks like brief glazing followed by about 1/2-3/4" of cold rain. Wet snow at tail-end looking less likely now, but perhaps some flurries tomorrow night/Tue morning.
  10. It'd probably be easier to just not look at the UKMET anymore?
  11. 12z HRRR further east with the precip shield. Also keeps any snow north of the IL/WI border. We're less than 24hrs out and it's still kind of up in the air with how things will evolve.
  12. The DVN radar has crapped the bed. Been out since yesterday. Hopefully they can get the duct tape and zip ties and get 'er going before tomorrow's storm arrives.
  13. Looking like this could end up being a nice little setup for the Cedar Rapids crew. Looks like it may rip pretty nicely after the rain changes to snow Monday afternoon. Won't last long enough to be a huge snow, but a solid 3"+ with a nice period of moderate to heavy snowfall. Looks like 95% cold rain for the QCA, with perhaps a light coating at the tail-end, similar to yesterday.
  14. Can't quite compete with Bo and Will's scenes, but last night's heavy duster made it look more like winter at least lol.
  15. I took over a week off in 2017 in May and didn't have a single chase lol. Hopefully your luck isn't as bad as mine was. I'm thinking about trying it out again this upcoming season, but this time it will be two weeks and sometime in June. Hopefully can get some high-plains photogenic sups. The kind that grind along at like 15mph.
  16. Hope you guys can cash in as well. Well, since last night things have definitely not become any more clear with if, or how much phasing will occur. Obviously it's a setup that is teetering on the edge and can pretty much go either way. Hopefully by this time tomorrow night we'll have a bit more confidence as to how this will evolve. It certainly looks like if there's going to be any sig accumulations from the more phased version, that southern WI up into northern-lower MI would likely have the best shot. For the most part whenever there's a more phased/amped up version of this storm that is where the heavy snows seem to fall. ICON model runs have showed some decent snows down in Iowa and northwest IL as well. Hopefully the phasing can take place so this thing can dump some appreciable snows for someone in this sub. Would hate to see the synoptic potential go to waste.
  17. Picked up 0.4" of snow late this afternoon/evening over top a thin glazing. Up to 0.6" for Dec.
  18. Had a period of very light freezing rain and frizzle that put down a light glaze. Now it has changed to light snow and the ground has started to whiten up. Far cry from the 52/48 at this time yesterday lol.
  19. ^That would be a nice storm for the Madison peeps who've been snow starved for awhile now.
  20. Great time for weatherbell's Euro data to crap the bed.
  21. Yeah best case scenario for u guys would prob be a slightly less amped version with the phasing. Would mean lower totals in the snow swath but it would keep the rain/snow line further se. Not a very desirable situation lol. Down this way looks like cold rain or cirrus canopy will be the options.
  22. Just noticed the DVN discussion from this afternoon. It didn't materialize of course, but pretty cool that tornadoes were reference in today's afd. Not bad for Dec 27th lol. This Evening and Tonight Scattered showers, possibly a few isolated weak thunderstorms, are expected to work from SW to NE through the forecast mainly after 6 PM. Forecast models and soundings display strong low-level shear (0-1 km near 30 kts) and surface-based CAPE up to 75 J/kg in a well mixed boundary, which is pooled along the cold front. Timing of the convection will be after sunset, and as it arrives, it should be in a weakening phase. Additionally, it doesn`t appear surface winds will be backed ahead of the front. Bottom line is it doesn`t look like the ingredients are all there for brief spin up tornadoes. Still something to monitor if anything changes, but the Storm Prediction Center has continued with a General Thunder outlook for the aforementioned reasons.
  23. This system isn't too far away from being a major storm. Unfortunately for most of us the better the storm phases the more it means a cold rain as it would likely cut pretty far nw. If that were to happen hopefully our Iowa/Wisconsin peeps can at least cash in.
  24. Wow you guys really got dumped on up there. Picked up 0.68" here. Lots of standing water due to frozen top layer.
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