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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah you guys are looking pretty good down there. Looks like you'll be safe from the sharp northern cutoff. I'm guessing you will be included in the winter storm watches that will be issued in a few hours.
  2. New Euro drops over a foot from STL and points west towards Columbia MO. Warning criteria snows as far north as southeast Iowa, and Peoria/Bloomington.
  3. 00z UK is pretty juicy. 0.4" up to I-80 in north-central IL. Over 1" of precip for STL.
  4. Looks like lots of mood flakes for a large area downwind of the lakes. That's one of the downsides of living west of the lakes out here. We don't benefit from that sort of thing, so "days with flakes" are likely considerably less than areas further east.
  5. There's no such thing as a lock from this distance, but if I lived near the STL area I'd be feeling pretty good about things. Pretty much all guidance continually has that area in a very favorable location to pick up sig snows. As for that northern cutoff, we'll definitely have to keep an eye on that. There's been some nasty northern cutoffs on systems the past few years.
  6. Dubuque has only 6" for the season, so if they get a sharp cutoff to the south of them again they're definitely gonna be feeling a bit miffed up there. They also missed out on the March 24th snowstorm by a short distance as well.
  7. MLI gusted to 57mph earlier this eve. Very impressive. It was definitely rocking out there for quite awhile. Surely the yard is littered with more sticks and mysterious trash blown in from blocks away.
  8. Mt. Geos hasn't been the same since he left. That area continually got jackpotted when he lived up there.
  9. Ha true. We actually get to consider ratios this time, which is like the first time in a month and a half lol.
  10. Ahhh, love me some amped up NAM runs. It's like sort of a tradition or something.
  11. I had to look that one up as that date didn't ring a bell. Looks like we got northwest fringed on that one here.
  12. Winds hit 51mph at both MLI and DVN. Waterloo hit 54mph. Looks like Rochester MN hit 59mph.
  13. We had some people out playing basketball this afternoon like it was a spring day lol. You just gotta love how weather can vary. This time of year it can easily be well below zero during the day with -30 wind chills. Today was 85 degrees warmer than that in the feels dept.
  14. Wouldn't be surprised. 00z HRRR shows 50-55kts at the top of the mixing layer over much of Iowa/northern IL. Looks like there should be plenty of sunshine as well, so mixing should be maximized.
  15. FWIW the 18z FV3 looks even better than it's 12z for you guys, with warning criteria snows from southern IL through the southern halfs of IN/OH.
  16. Not bad. Picked up 0.47" here. Temp made it to 55 here, 57 at MLI. Looks like it will get a bit breezy tomorrow. From DVN ...Very Strong Winds Expected Tuesday... .Very strong winds will develop Tuesday and usher colder air into the region. A brief burst of strong winds with gusts up to 40 mph is possible 6 to 8 AM Tuesday morning. However, the prolonged very strong winds of 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph will develop around mid morning Tuesday and continue into Tuesday evening.
  17. Positive trends the last few runs for a system this upcoming weekend. GFS and FV3 both look the most robust, as they deposit a fairly wide swath of accumulating snows from MO to OH and beyond. Also a corridor of warning criteria snows as well closer to the OH river. The Euro/GEM/ICON models show a storm as well, although not quite as impressive as the GFS brothers. There have been positive trends on the Euro though, as it hasn't been showing much until recently. I very rarely start storm threads, so hopefully this one works out lol.
  18. That would be a very nice hit for all of the snow starved areas from downstate IL to Ohio. Hope trends continue.
  19. Looks like a good half inch of rain coming later tonight/tomorrow morning. This little event sort of snuck up on me. Been looking so much at the long range really didn't notice this little rainer. Looks like we may make a run at 60 tomorrow as well. January showers bring Feb plowers?
  20. Luckily there's some exciting weather to look forward t.... oh wait.
  21. Looking very quiet through at least the 17-18th. Unless late Jan and Feb comes in hot it's looking like the met winter will be a huge bust for most of the sub. March/April snows can be fun, but they're very fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow kind a thing. If the futile pattern continues I'm almost going to root that it lasts through at least the 26th of this month, as that would make it a solid 2 months with <1" snow total lol.
  22. Made it to 53 today. Definitely didn't feel or look like January. I made a statement at work over a month ago that I'm gonna have to eat. I stated that the huge piles of snow all around the parking lot would be around in some form through at least mid March. They were over 10ft tall and even wider than that. Of course they were extremely dense as well. The last of them withered into the drains today, and with that all traces from the Nov storm are now history.
  23. This was our point forecast on this date back in 2014. Quite the contrast to today's point, which features high temps near 50 for the next several days lol.
  24. I've had WB for several years now and have never watched any of the vids until today. It was pretty funny. Kinda reminded me of Clark Griswold after he found out he got the jelly of the month subscription for his xmas bonus.
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