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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Down to -9 here. Several degrees colder than at this time last night and we bottomed out at -12 this morning. Maybe -15 or so tonight I guess.
  2. Storm is still 48hrs out so wouldn't be surprised to see things come back south even though everything seems to be trending north simultaneously atm.
  3. International Falls is already down to -37. Ouch.
  4. I think you and me are lined up about the same for this, so we may be in the same boat whatever that is lol. The trend definitely doesn't seem to be our friend, but having the Euro on our side is somewhat encouraging. Obviously the QC has had an exceptional lucky streak that started last March, so you gotta figure our luck would run out sometime lol.
  5. The ferocity of the arctic air mass looks extremely impressive, but the longevity of it is almost more impressive. The Euro verbatim has us go below zero Monday night, and not get back above zero until Sunday. Not sure what the longest we've been below zero, but that's gotta be close to a record at the least.
  6. Picked up about an inch. Had some nice flakes size initially, then it transitioned into more a pixie dust for the majority of the event.
  7. Yeah it'd be great to see the track from the 12z Euro verify. A combo of the 12z Euro track and the strength of the new 00z would be perfect for both our areas. Gonna be another fun period of model tracking over the next 48hrs. I'm not even gonna bother to guess what we'll get with this storm since my forecasts have sucked ass the past few events.
  8. Nice to see the Euro trend back to a more significant system.
  9. -4 with a wind chill of -24. HRRR has been showing lows dropping lower than -20, but it goes off the reservation over deep/fresh snow cover. Think -10 to -13 oughta do it. That 55 degree day back on Jan 7th seems like a distant memory now.
  10. We have a good 12-13" on the ground right now. It also has two layers of ice from freezing drizzle events between snows. If it works out that we get a little tomorrow, and then potentially several inches Monday we would have a shot at 20+". Deepest snow I can remember was about 16-17". Both in early 99 after the NY blizzard, and after the GHDI blizzard in 2011.
  11. That's freakin' insane. It broke the damn scale lol. If you look closely at the top it says anomaly min at -61.2 degrees!
  12. Haha! Actually it was a black ops mission to Detroit to steal it from Josh, who had previously stolen it from Mt. Geos.
  13. Finished with 6.3" here. May have been some compacting during the day, but gonna go with this. About 13" on the ground now.
  14. New Euro shows -40s over north-central and northwest IA on the 31st. -30s over much of the rest of Iowa. I know it's pretty far off in la-la land, but I can't remember ever seeing temps that cold before from the Euro in Iowa.
  15. If the new Euro is correct we'd be looking at potential snow depth records around here, as there's already a good 8-12" (counting tonight's snows) on the ground.
  16. 3.2" as of 12:15am. Seeing wild variations between rapid accumulating periods under the bright bands, and very slow rates outside of those. Under the bright bands the flakes are considerably larger, and the snow just gushes down. Outside of that it's a very weak-sauce pixie dust fest. Temp has dropped back to 29 now, and the wind is starting to stir a bit.
  17. Yeah it's been a really wet snow. Shortly after my last post it started pouring nice large dendrites as some bright bands have moved in. It's adding up pretty nicely atm. Still coming straight down. The trees are caked up enough the limbs are sagging similar to a freezing rain event. Could be some power outages in several hrs when the north winds pick up.
  18. Pouring pixie dust here. Think it may be mixing with a little rain as well, can't be sure. It's very slowly, but steadily adding up. A bit over 2" now. Temp has been hovering at 31 for 6+hrs.
  19. About 1.5" so far. This snow is very opposite of the last one which was dry, powdery, and blew around. This one is very wet and there's almost no wind. Trees and powerlines are really caking up. Rain/snow line not too far south/southeast.
  20. Nice. Yeah it's pouring nice wet dendrites straight down, making the top of the snow sort of lumpy. A little over an inch now.
  21. All snow here as well after freezing drizzle all morning/early afternoon. About a half inch so far.
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