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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yep we'll both be looking at bare grass by tomorrow afternoon. What a remarkable turnaround. On Thursday at work I mentioned that we were over 60 degrees colder than freezing. Crazy to see the snow melt like this after that long period of extreme cold.
  2. Yeah it is quite stunning how fast it's melting. Lost a good 10" since early yesterday morning, and now have about 9" left. I would assume the rate of melting will slow some with the bottom layers being much more dense than the top few layers. Snow definitely has that grungy look to it now as well.
  3. One last temp comparison to mention. At 11pm 3 nights ago (Wednesday night) at MLI the temp was -28. Tonight at 11pm the temp was 45, which is 73 degrees warmer. That large of a spread in temp over such a short time period at the same time of day is pretty impressive. The dewpoint also jumped from -32 to 40.
  4. Went from full sun to dense fog in less than a half hour. You jinxed it!
  5. A couple interesting tidbits... Just two days ago MLI hit -33, and they are currently sitting at 46, which is 79 degrees warmer. Also, around this time two days ago it snowed all afternoon with temps well below zero. What a difference a few days can make.
  6. I'd like to see more of a neutral tilt with the warm sector convection. That northeast/southwest oriented tilted conveyor of convection can sometimes cut off deep moisture from wrapping back into the cold sector. EDIT: The above is mostly in regards to the snow potential in the cold sector.
  7. Feels like July out there compared to a few days ago. 45 with full sun, and the sounds of running water as you step outside. Snow is melting fairly quickly which is a bit surprising. Looks like 3-4" lost already.
  8. Anyone know where we can find nocturnal satellite imagery like what is shown below? Would be a very handy tool for us weather weenies to use.
  9. Yeah this snow pack is amazing. Been building it up layer by layer since Jan 12th. I could just sit in a lawn chair and stair at it, that's how impressive it is lol. Edit: Stare, not stair. I need to hire an editor cause I can't spel
  10. Yeah, and they weren't too far from the snowiest month, which was Dec 2000 @ around 32" IIRC. Pretty impressive considering it didn't snow until around Jan 12th. Finished Jan with 27.7" here. Definitely an improvement over the 0.3" from December lol.
  11. Yeah it's been a nice little event. Pure fluff that you can clear off with a leaf blower. Stuff has to be at least 20:1 ratio. Finished with 4.4" here, which was a few inches more than I expected. Now 19" on the ground, which is the most I've seen in any place I've lived. Pretty cool that MLI got over 4" of snow on the same day they set the new all time record low.
  12. Guess I was wrong about the SQI site being an ASOS. I could have sworn I read they were upgraded to ASOS a year or two ago somewhere. Right around the time when they stopped reporting conditions every 20 minutes and went to just once per hr.
  13. Real nice snow globe action out there atm. Flake size has been pretty nice for the most part since the event began back around noon. This may be the longest duration I've seen snow fall at with temps below zero. Still -4 out there as the snow continues to rip. Wow, what a day.
  14. I remember 4-5 days ago it was looking like we could stay below zero through Sunday. Man I'm glad the models backed off of that idea lol.
  15. That would be quite amazing. Had 15" on the ground this morning, and after this clipper we will likely be over 18" of very dense snow pack. Well, the bottom 60-70% is very dense at least.
  16. Hit -34 on the way into work this morning near Hillsdale. That was one cold walk into work lol.
  17. 2" on the nose as of 5pm. Snow is extremely dry, which makes sense since it's still -5.
  18. -27 here, and -33 at MLI. Sterling dropped 9 degrees this hour to within 1 degree of the state record at -35.
  19. Was wondering earlier if the depth of calmness would have an impact. Was looking at the DVN sounding from this past Sat when we really maxed out on ideal radiational cooling. Winds were pretty still from the surface up to just under 925mb. At 925mb the wind was only at 10kts. Tonight the progged 925mb winds stay up a bit until just after 12z, when they drop below 15kts along the departing ridge axis. Not sure if that's going to be an issue or not, but just something I've noticed.
  20. Yeah was just gonna mention that. Nice to see after the disappointing daytime ascension earlier. Temp hit -21 an hour or so ago here, but has bumped back up to -19. I think all the homes leaking warm air here in this residential setting tempers the extreme cold some. I'm guessing just outside of town it's significantly colder.
  21. -19 here, -20 at MLI, and -22 in Clinton.
  22. Down to -17 here, and -20 across the river in Clinton. Still a looooong night ahead of us. EDIT: Clinton is an ASOS site now as well. EDIT#2: Black River Falls already down at -30 lol.
  23. I'm kind of rooting for Sterling to be the coldest site tonight, as it's just a little up the river. Everything seems to be lining up about perfectly, as the ridge will be nearly overhead so to speak around daybreak. Simulated satellite forecasts show clouds moving in around that time, so it may be cutting it close. MLI may have cloud issues before sunrise, but it's possible they stay clear till dawn.
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