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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Today's snow ended up being a non-event. Picked up 0.2". What u might call a classic dog turd duster lol.
  2. Yeah was just gonna mention this is a great look for northern IL on the GFS. #rebuild the glacier
  3. Less than 36hrs from the event and still pretty up in the air what will fall here in the QCA. The models have bumped the snow/mix line south compared to the past few days, and now some of the guidance shows mostly snow for the north half of the DVN cwa. It's still close enough that a bump back north would mean a largely mix/rain event after a short period of snow. The 12z RGEM is still a hold out, and keeps the precip mostly rain for the QCA. All I can say for sure is it looks like around 1/2" of precip in some form will fall tomorrow night lol.
  4. Ha that'd be the complete opposite of the last event which had high intensity/low accretion. Even though the accretion efficiency was pretty crappy with that last event, it's tough to beat the excitement of frequent thunder simultaneous with downpours of frz rain.
  5. A few of the earlier Euro runs showed that secondary deform feature as well, but it lost it on today's 12z. Looks like if the 2nd deform feature actually happens it would be a very thread-the-needle type of an event for whoever got in on it.
  6. It uses the same cutting edge forecast technology that was used to develop this product.
  7. The area NWS should have issued a nose-bleed advisory to account for the high pressure today lol.
  8. Looks like a 4-phaser here with this one. Similar to an east coast event with snow to sleet, then frz rain to rain. Doesn't seem to happen here all that much, so should be a little interesting.
  9. Sure turned out to be a very windy evening. Winds have been gusting over 40mph since around sunset, with gusts even approaching 50mph. MLI hit 53mph a bit earlier this evening, and I believe Midway did as well.
  10. Lol. Yeah I was actually pretty okay with plain rain. Just had a pretty nice little snow squall roll through with low vis.
  11. The temp hasn't been any warmer than 32 all night, but it looks like the rain that fell didn't freeze. Not only that, but the ice on the trees has also mostly melted/fallen off.
  12. All of the ice from last night has remained on the trees. Thought it would warm up today and melt it all off, but temps were stubborn. Temps may rise above freezing later tonight, so the precip may be more of a regular rain event, and should also melt off some of the ice still clinging to the trees.
  13. Yeah I need to get an old fashioned manual gauge for a backup for situations like this. Radar estimates between 0.50-0.75" fell from the QC right up the I-88 corridor. To be honest I wasn't all that excited about this event, but it turned out to be a fairly memorable event. 12hr radar estimated QPF.
  14. Yeah if it wasn't so cold out I would have loved to head outside of town and try to get some lightning shots. Yeah no doubt the fast precip rate cut into the accretion. Have probably a few tenths or so. If this much precip fell over a longer span it would have been a lot worse.
  15. DVN is up to 0.71" of precip so far. Very impressive. My station gauge is frozen up and showing 0.00" for the day. Guessing at least half an inch of precip has fallen.
  16. Power went out for a few mins. Hope it doesn't go out for good. Glad the heaviest frz rain is almost done. It sounded like a summer night there for awhile. Most thunder from a cold precip event I've ever seen.
  17. Pretty bad ass out there right now. Frequent lightning, with some pretty loud booms occasionally. Pure freezing rain just pouring down atm, with no sleet. Good thing this shouldn't last much longer than another hr or so, or we'd be in some deep s***.
  18. Well, I got my sleet fix lol. Had two thunderstorms roll through with some nice CG action. The first storm was a 50/50 mix of freezing rain and sleet. That was the hardest I've ever seen freezing rain come down. The second storm was mostly sleet, with a little freezing rain. Both storms whitened the paved areas up with sleet. Back to light freezing rain right now, with a temp of 31.
  19. And also thundersnow with that blizzard back in Nov. 06z models and latest HRRR runs have scaled back quite a bit of precip for the DVN cwa. May have a tough time getting more than a tenth or two of glazing if those models are correct.
  20. Lol yeah I kind of like sleet when it's not at the expense of missing out on snow. If the snow/sleet line were closer I'd definitely be rooting against sleet in that case.
  21. Since snow is obviously off the table with this, I'm hoping for a decent period of sleet later tomorrow before it changes to frz rain. Haven't seen much sleet the past few years. Kind of miss it lol. Looks like a nice rainer with the next wave
  22. Had 19" pre melt. The airport depth obs doesn't represent what we have very well. Not sure why, but they always seem way lower than surrounding locations.
  23. Looks like about 5-6" of snow left after the great melt-off. Cold front is now passing through, so should retain the majority of this for awhile.
  24. 50 degrees at midnight at MLI. We basically went from one extreme to the other in just a few days time. No doubt in my mind we'd be seeing 60s with this air mass if we didn't have 15-20" of snow to melt off first.
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