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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah it'll likely be another rainer after this little cold/dry episode. Bring on spring.
  2. Nice day, made it to 40. 2-3" of ancient crust remains.
  3. Just an FYI, I have yet to receive my severance package. Much better look on the Euro the past few runs compared to the previous cycles. Hopefully this one delivers for those snow starved areas from central IL to OH. Could be in for some accums here as well if trends continue.
  4. Yeah I was starting to think MLI had the all-time record snow season in the bag, but things have definitely quieted down. If we're not going to make a run at the record I'd just assume move on to spring.
  5. That's just awesome. You need to come out to this same exact spot and shoot a pic in June/July to get a direct comparison. I'd make a side by side of that and frame that puppy for the wall.
  6. Same here. Our last ice event wasn't anything too crazy, but the high winds that followed definitely cleaned out a lot of the weaker stuff. We've also had numerous 40mph+ wind events this winter which likely helped as well. The power didn't even flicker here while the 50-60mph winds roared most of the day.
  7. Been getting 45-55mph wind gusts all morning. Some have probably been close to 60mph. DVN topped out at 62mph earlier, and MLI has hit 59mph. The snow pack has been reduced to about 2-3" of frozen crust.
  8. Over 1.5" of rain now. The dry slot is just about here, so the precip should be mostly over now, with maybe some drizzle and flurries later on. There is a tremendous amount of standing water around. Probably the most I can remember. Farm fields, front yards, ditches, and even side streets from storm drains blocked by snow piles. There's still about 4" of dense snow pack left. Temps will crash well below freezing later tonight, and continue to drop through tomorrow/tomorrow night, so there's going to be a lot of thick ice sheets all over the landscape.
  9. Nice severe-warned elevated supercell passing just to the east right now. Had a few more nice downpours earlier this eve to bring us up over 1.25" for the event. High winds look to hit around 2-3am.
  10. Yeah this turned into a big soaker. Rain gauge shows 1.31", but some of that was probably a little residual snow left in the funnel. DVN/MLI both have picked up over an inch, so we probably had a little over an inch as well.
  11. Rain pouring down fairly heavily early this morning. Temp is just above freezing at 33. Looking forward to some potential thunder later this afternoon/early this evening. 55-60mph wind gusts look possible later tonight and tomorrow morning. The high wind watch has been downgraded to a wind advisory for the DVN cwa, but it's a high-end advisory that may end up needing upgrading if things get out of hand.
  12. Looks like the next system to watch after tomorrow night's storm system is a wave next Fri or Sat. The models have been showing something around that time for the past few days. Doesn't look like a big system, but maybe something to track as we go forward if model trends continue.
  13. Never much fun being in the middle of a system like this, with snows well west, and appreciable convection well southeast. Interesting system, but looks like a windy, cold rainer followed by dry slot for most of the DVN cwa. Hope we can get a boomer with some elevated 'vection before dry slot hits.
  14. Was just gonna mention that. This system looks very thread-the-needle like, but those in that narrow jackpot zone should have some fun times.
  15. The 1" from last night melted during the day as temps rose into the mid 30s. It's been drizzling most of the day. EDIT: Btw, the GFS gets an F for this one.
  16. 1.0" snow here. Freezing drizzle is coating the snow now with a crust.
  17. Nice bump southeast on the Euro. Heavy snows threaten the northwest portion of the DVN cwa on that run. Just need another bump or two southeast please.
  18. Snow has been coming down pretty nicely at times. Already a half inch. Until today models weren't showing anything moving in until after 2am, so this early start is sort of nice.
  19. First lazy flakes are fluttering down to the surface now here. The new GFS drops almost 1/2" of precip on us all in the form of snow. Other short term guidance is more in the 0.2-0.35" range though.
  20. 2-4" looks good for here and QC. 12z Euro took a step back compared to the 00z, and is more in line with what it had been showing the previous several cycles. Nice little stat padder.
  21. A substantial increase in precip for the QCA on the new Euro. Now shows around 0.4" of precip, which is a big jump from the 0.25" it's been forecasting for several cycles. UK is even more aggressive with over 0.6" precip. If this trend holds it's looking like a nice 4-5" event is on the way, and this time the snow will be more wet compared to the fluffy stuff yesterday.
  22. Yeah I'm enjoying this while it lasts, since I'm sure we'll probably pay for it next season and beyond. We had some horrific seasons in the past 10yrs, so it's nice to have one like this to be sure. Last season southeast MI had the hot hand. This season they've had a pretty down year in comparison. Everything averages out eventually.
  23. Just noticed there's still some clouds hanging over parts of the city. Still pretty impressive. It's amazing how bright it looks out there tonight with the full moon and fresh snow.
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